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Can we compile this desert Mod stuff?

Guest Lord General MB

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Guest Lord General MB


Since I keep hearing about the "Desert MOD" coming out, i thought I'd find out what will be included in it. I scanned some of the threads, but found it all to spread out, and since there are a bunch of Mod makers working on it, I find it hard to find out what is going on (who's making what, when, and how much..ect). So can I get a list or somthing on what people are working on? And of course offer my services if they are needed. BTW, If any of this stuff goes out to a site I'd love to send it some kind of LGMB award.....



Lord General Mr. Bill

Supreme Commander

1st Army

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Guest AussieJeff

Salute, Lord General!!!

I posted a set of 'Desert' mod tiles to Matt at CMHQ two days ago. Maybe you could check with him if they aren't up on CMHQ's "untested mods" section yet!

I'll send you the latest version of my Death_Valley Desert scenario (tweaked it an hour ago - for you to evaluate if you like. I tink its pretty good - even without the desert tiles (which I think are pretty cool -especially so if you only use the grass, rough and brush tiles and keep the elevations moderate.(My trees really need more work - or someone needs to whip up some palms!!!)

I like the idea of "Desert" mods all in one place!! Gotta get some of those Italian Jobs!! hehe

Lemme know what you think if you can get my desert tileset from Matt's site. Comments always appreciated!!



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This is an interesting idea since AussieJeff and I could share ideas and concepts. I am hoping that between the two of us we will come up with something acceptable to this group which is getting increasingly picky. They expect great work and to be honest I have little time for that.

I have also wanted to do a palm tree bmp. Problem is that of all the desert pics I have of Tunisia and Libya I have only one pic with palms in it and that was at a major water well. I do want pics of date trees and other small threes. I was thinking about simply reducing the size of existing trees and be done with it.


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Well, this isn't directly related to anyone else's work on a desert mod, but Marco and I are working on a Kiwi mod that's focused on the Italian/desert front.


It's still very much in the early prototype stage, and any comments/suggestions are welcome.


[This message has been edited by Gordon (edited 12-11-2000).]

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Gordon looks great. Would you consider doing some British Desert Rat Shermans, Stuarts, and Cromwells for my Desert Fox, Desert Rats TC?

I have worked up most of the terrain, just need to tweak the brush a bit and fine some good desert tree pics. Problem is that I cannot seem to convert vehicle BMPs into something that would be acceptable to the gaming community.



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I'm not sure how strapped you are for time, but you and MikeT might consider leading the desert-mod charge. Collaborate with each other on the terrain tiles and some initial vehicles (with help from others, cuz God knows they're out there). Then disseminate

this information as a whole or in parts to a few of us who would LOVE to create some Afrika-corps missions (trundling through Egypt with Hans Von Luck's 21st Panzer Recon or Buzzing over the dunes of Libya with your elite British, MG jeep cruisin', LRDG "rat patrols" under the tutelage of 2nd Lt. David Sterling).

Then, wrap it all up and release it complete with new terrain, vehicles, uniforms, scenarios, operations, modified interface with desert colors, and maybe even a new title screen and release it as one complete Desert Mod.

What do you say?


[This message has been edited by Clubfoot (edited 12-11-2000).]

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As of right now this is my plan. I have 8 days off over Chrismas to work on this TC. I want to get the terrain and other details (wave files, some redressing of other peoples vehicles, some changes to German infantry, etc) finished and start working on scenarios and "chrome such as new music and new intro BMP. Basically what I have planned is that there would be a second CM directory CombatMissions directory called Desert Fox, Desert Rats with all the new terrain/unit BMPs and wave files

However Marco Bergman did bring up one point. He mentioned that many/some people cannot afford the HDD room for this. He has a point here. So one question is how do you feel about this approach?

Now I don't mind sharing ideas and tiles with AussieJeff. In fact with my 6 day work week I do have problems working this TC. I just sneak in ideas and work the best I can.

Now got a second question. You mentioned leaking some details out to the public. I did contact one site about this but he only wanted a complete package and I don't blame him. So unless I am willing to individually email out a multi-mega zip files I must wait until I have a full package for public use. So I have to wait until the product is finished since I cannot afford the time and zip out files to what could be several dozen people.


[This message has been edited by MikeT (edited 12-12-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MikeT:

Gordon looks great. Would you consider doing some British Desert Rat Shermans, Stuarts, and Cromwells for my Desert Fox, Desert Rats TC?

I have worked up most of the terrain, just need to tweak the brush a bit and fine some good desert tree pics. Problem is that I cannot seem to convert vehicle BMPs into something that would be acceptable to the gaming community.



Well, you'll have to clear it with my boss Marco smile.gif and I don't have much in the way of reference materials for desert camouflage schemes. I do have an M3 of the 8th King's Royal Irish Hussars, 4th Armoured Brigade in desert colors that could be used for a Stuart. If you have anything you can scan and send me, I'll see what I can do.


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Actually, my meaning wasn't for you to release bits and pieces to the public in general, but terrain tiles and vehicle BMP's

to a few of us who would love to make scenarios for such an endeavour.

I would also be available to help with modding the appearance of the interface and the title screen (I went to school for graphic design)as well as scenarios & ops.

It appears to me that a number of the folks on this thread (including yourself) have laid a lot of the foundation for such a project already. It would be fantastic to compile the work, give credit to all participants, and release one comprehensive desert warfare mod!

If any of this sounds plausible to you, reply here or send me an e-mail!


[This message has been edited by Clubfoot (edited 12-12-2000).]

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Guest Napoleon1944

I am no good at vehicle painting, but I can scan some color references for desert schemes if anyone is interested. I was also thinking of making the palm trees.

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Napoleon, I am right now searching the web for suitable palm trees. I decided to make them available. Previously I wasn't going to include any since I found very, very, very few WWII pics with palms in them. However I decided to at least add them for the editor.

As I write this I found some low rez drawings and color pics that I can use for now with some correction. However if you find anything better please keep them or send them to me and I will add them to the mod with credit to you.

I really don't have a problem with the idea of this desert mod being a multi-gamer approach. Right now I have permission from several vehicle modders such as Marco, Fernando, or DesertFox to use their designs in my TC. To be honest I could use the assist.

My email is seacat@flash.net



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Napoleon1944:

I am no good at vehicle painting, but I can scan some color references for desert schemes if anyone is interested. I was also thinking of making the palm trees.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


E-mail me any scans you have, I can definitely make use of them (Gordon_Molek@3com.com).


My "boss" just told me to pencil your Desert Rat mods into my schedule. smile.gif


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Guest Napoleon1944

To clairify: For desert Mods I meant AFVs. Terrain is easy. I will scan in some desert schemes when I get a chance for you AFV modders.

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Napoleon1944, I agree about the terrain, it is easy compared to the vehicles. However in the mod I am working up I am more interested insetting the atmosphere of the desert. For instance, adding light fog to the desert adds a very erie dusty look. Removing HE and smoke rounds from British tanks, save the Sherman and Honey, means the Brits are limited in attacks against infantry and ATGs. Figuring out the right tactic in a wide open expanse of desert is essential, no longer can you just run from tree line to tree line to hide yourself. Now the arty spotter can see you for a thousand yards or so and hit you for prolonged periods of time.

I have permission from some vehicle modders to use their designs in my TC and permission to make unit marking changes. When the Germans are released I should have serviceable markings for the DAK. Even the US should be more accurate since I am basing some changes on pic I have from my old SL days.

If you like please email me your home email address and I will send you the readme file I worked up for the game which outlines my ideas and I will also send you some BMPs of a fight I recently had between the DAK and USA. Sort of a mini Kasserine pass battle.


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