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Hearty thanks to BTS...for putting up with US!!!

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I just finished reading all the whiney little girls yelling at each other on this board over this little issue here, or that little issue there, and it really sunk in how much CRAP Steve and Charles have to put up with. Kudos to you guys for taking the time to BABYSIT all the egos on this board...and STILL put out a great game. I really hope people here start growing up and stop attacking this person because of different moralitys or that person because he doesn't know how many grains of propellant were in which sprengrenate. It really gets old...

I'm not saying I'm holier than thou, I'm a big dick too, and can't stand some of the people here. I however try...TRY not to be combative or confrontational. Failing that occasionally, I ask you all forgiveness and "can't we all just get along?"

I apologize for my peers conduct, Steve and Charles, and hope you guys have lots of aspirin...or Guiness.


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How dare you disagree with me Maxm2! Why I ought to find out where you live and fire bomb your begonias. You are such a complete individual that I hope your milk spoils. Why I should call you a rascist and other vile names for even suggesting Mother Teresa and Ghandi might be more patient than Steve and Charles. I hope BTS banes people like you for having an oppinion different from mine, which is the only one that could possibly EVER be correct. Regardless of who is right, or who is wrong...I am the one who is right and everybody else is WRONG!

...Get the picture folks? I'd fill this post with smilies, but I never have taken the ten seconds to figure out how to make them. Naturally I meant this post in jest and satire. I am not trying to belittle any single individual for their actions on this board, I just want to point out that patience IS a virtue, and a good many of us here need to cool our heads before jumping on ANYONE for ANY REASON. This is supposed to be a forum to better the game and our pleasure from it. Not a den of backstabbing cutthroats bent on character assassination and ideological zealotry.

I yield the floor...


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Guest tom w

Thanks Zamo

That Was Brilliant... smile.gif

Yes Satire and Wit and Sarcasm have thier place here, but ... profanity and character assissination and (if you can believe it) threats? WELL I had hoped we were ALL collectively more mature than some of the examples of posts seen on this board.

Thanks again Steve and Charles..

Most of us can seperate the Wheat from the Chaff for our selves, but your wisdom and patience are to be admired.

-tom w

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Zamo:

This is supposed to be a forum to better the game and our pleasure from it. Not a den of backstabbing cutthroats bent on character assassination and ideological zealotry.

I yield the floor...


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