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shelter (bocage and foxholes)

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I am wondering about the effectiveness of

foxholes, I thought that they were pretty

effective when trying to ride out an

artillery barage - supposedly asside from

air bursts you really needed a direct hit to

harm someone in there (ok ignoring the whole

air pressure, shaking them up)...yet I see

units in foxholes realy paniking quickly.

I was down in Falmouth, MA yesterday and I swear I was in the bocage, - narrow 15-20

foot roads with dense dense brush/bushes on

each side - clear fields on the other side.

The one thing I wonder is how

to simulate that in these conditions tanks

would have trouble turning their turrets

because there is no room for the barrel

(incidentally it would have been almost

impossible to spot hidden units until you

where on top of them....scary)

Anyone have any suggestions on German troop

deployment for Chance encounter? such that

pre American barrages won't hit them...but

you are still in a good position to respond?

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