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The TAC AI is a gamey bastard :)

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I'm in a canned scenario. I knocked out this MG team in a wooden bunker. They scamper away like the scared little hamsters that they are smile.gif back towards the safety of their own town. That all happened on turn 5 or so. It is now close to turn 30 and I'll be damned if that crew isn't hunting FOs in the hills. And he just might kill a piat team I have sneaking over the hill up there. Not to reopen this issue, but if the TAC AI is gonna use crews in this manner, I fail to see why I should not. This is 1.05.


Jeff Abbott

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Guest Big Time Software

Hehe... sounds like the crew got lost smile.gif Or more likely, the crew was probably trying to move off a friendly map edge. In any case, the StratAI is not programmed to intentionally use crews as offensive units, and I for one have never seen it do such a thing. But play enough games and practically anything can happen wink.gif


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software:

Hehe... sounds like the crew got lost smile.gif Or more likely, the crew was probably trying to move off a friendly map edge. In any case, the StratAI is not programmed to intentionally use crews as offensive units, and I for one have never seen it do such a thing. But play enough games and practically anything can happen wink.gif


Thanks for clarifying StratAI instead of TAC AI. Anyway, the crew is heading back towards my forces. The scenario is All or Nothing and the crew is cresting the big hill that separates the town from my setup position. A perfect place to put FOs and I do believe that crew is thinking the same thing, especially since I just knocked out a Stug in the town with a well placed barrage.


Jeff Abbott

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Guest Big Time Software

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> I do believe that crew is thinking the same thing<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hehe... that's just it. The crew isn't "thinking" at all. That would require too much programming smile.gif At the very most that crew is on a mission to escape. Unforunately, since the AI as a whole isn't very bright (compared to a human) it just doesn't understand the finer points of "escape". Like knowing where NOT to try and move when the enemy is blocking the most direct path to safety.

So the AI's lack of "thinking" is ironically giving you a nasty headache. I'm sure you aren't chuckling as much as the rest of us are, but I'm sure you'll get the better of that crew sooner rather than later smile.gif


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software:

So the AI's lack of "thinking" is ironically giving you a nasty headache. I'm sure you aren't chuckling as much as the rest of us are, but I'm sure you'll get the better of that crew sooner rather than later smile.gif


And here I thought Charles was the uber-programmer smile.gif. Well, I'll find out soon enough whether the crew will engage a weary piat team as a target of opportunity since I may not be able to kill it in time. Thanks for replying.


Jeff Abbott

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