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ARNHEM........More tanks???

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If im not mistaken were there not more tanks than I am getting as reinforcements ???

2-3 stugs for the whole friggen campaign...

3 days... I thought there were more tanks than this.....



If you see a white plane it's American, if you see a black plane it's the RAF. If you see no planes at all it's the Luftwaffe." ---German soldier on the Western Front, 1944.

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This is the wrong place to be posting this dude, plus there is spoilers in this post, which pisses alot of people off.

But anyways this is my favourite campaign...

Hauptmann Paul Grabner commanded the 9th Panzer Reconnaissance Battalion's assault accross the bridge. His unit comprised of 22 vehicles, mainly halftracks and other such recon vehicles, and a thimble full of Assault Guns.

If Frost was up against lots of tanks he would not have held out as long as he did.

But some things I think are missing are the Brits' 6pdr Anti Tank Guns, and Kraut Flak Vehicles.

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Please edit your post so that you avoid SPOILERS ( e.g. the number of German tanks in the operation).

Some of us, including myself are playing this and we'd appreciate if your error didn't let our opponent know what we had.

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