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Lockups with beta

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I think it's down to my machine and not my guests. I have an Athlon TB 900mhz running WinME and Nvidia Geforce2MX using 6.47 beta drivers. It states in readme that these ones are okay however. Prior to the installation of these I was using 7.17. I did make sure I completely erased trace of old drivers. First TCP battle tonight (Wow!! amazing game) with colleague and I've had three lockups in the space of an hour, rendering machine useless. Great shame.

My guest is using Mac OS 9.04 on a G3. His machine has been stable to date.

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Guest KwazyDog

Hi Phil,

Ok, a couple of questions.

Firstly, how was CM running with the 7.17 divers, have you been using it with these drivers with no problems?

Secondly, what sort of lock up are you having? Are you able to get back to a windows desktop when it happens?

I have just about the same system as you Phil and experienced lock ups with CM when I first upgraded. My problem turned out to be heat. My system was overheating whilst running CM (it woudl run fine in windows) and thus was causing lock ups. Just a thought, but worth checking out.

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Guest Madmatt

With ME you may want to back down even further to 6.31 drivers. Those are the offical drivers and while 6.47 works good on 98SE, I have heard that stability on ME becomes troublesome beyond 6.31


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Thanks to you both for the replies.

I haven't tried CM using 7.17 drivers. As soon as I read the readme I downgraded. The only reason for me using 7.17 was to help B17II stability. The woes of this game... Boy oh boy. I think BTS should look after this one as well.

As for over-heating, I hope not. smile.gif

I have a full tower unit with three fans. I haven't experienced lockups with anything else, not even B17II!!

By lockups I mean complete crashes. You get I/O interferance if you try moving the mouse or hitting the keyboard which means the only option is to hard reset. I hope to play again tonight if my mate is around. It is fantastic, even with stability issues on my machine. I am putting this down to the graphics drivers. I will downgrade to the official release drivers.

Once again, thanyou for your time.

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