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#>mount /dev/hda2 ~/woman

There... it can be done, but not in windows.

Actually, you COULD try converting her into a grognard. The game is pretty enough, and it's not like you're asking her to look at hexes or anything. Try the "honey, I need your help to test my map." hotseat game approach.

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Thanks for the advice everyone. I'm thinking that the best option, however, is to just have her get another job or two so that she'll only be home for an hour or so every day. That hour can be our "quality time". She doesn't need sleep.


Upon the fields of friendly strife, are sown the seeds of Victory.

---Douglas McArthur

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Ok, do as I did, I got a second computer just for my girlfriend. Whenever I'm playing games on mine, she goes on hers and plays games like The Sims and RollerCoaster Tycoon. Just get ready for alot of, "Honey look at this cute hot dog stand I made" and stuff like that. Anyway, better than her complaining. I have the computers hooked up to a lan, so sometimes we will play Age of Empires2 together, damn she is a good challenge. Just make sure if you ever teach her how to play something don't give away all your secrets like I did. She will definetly use it against you. lol

Well I can actually say that I'm lucky to have a girl that's interested in video games at all.

We play lan games together alot, but when we don't we are still in the same room playing our own games. So she can't say that we are not spending any time together, lol.

Another computer is expensive but damn worth it, and when your friends come over kick her out and have a lan party, yehaaaaaa!!!!


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