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Everything posted by Aszurom

  1. What I'd like to see... SS HQ morale boost Basically, when any squad breaks and runs past the SS HQ unit, the officer whips out his Luger and blasts the squad leader in the head. The squad immediately returns to unbroken, possibly fanatical status, and charges back into the fray... minus 1 member.
  2. CombatHQ just updated! MadMatt just put up my latest terrain modification... V.O.T. Vomit Overlay Terrain. It's available in hi-res, or the low res "chunky" version. Also, another graphics modification. This one turns the flamethrower graphic into an arc of projectile hurl. Complete with corn.
  3. Brethon, I have 4 words that can... I-made-the-grids Hehe... that's what I meant by being the instrument of Fionn's irony. Months later, it came to pass.
  4. Personally, I find myself using a mish-mash of web design tools. Dreamweaver is THE BOMB for working with wysiwyg DHTML stuff. However, only Frontpage will allow word documents to be drag-n-drop into it and retain all the formatting. For building the structure of the pages themselves, I don't let sloppy wysiwyg editors touch my code. For that, I swear by and strongly reccomend Hotdog Pro 6.x
  5. I was looking for info on engineers when the search took me to: Fionn said: the chances of gettting a grid overlay in a game which is trying to get away from hexes etc is about zero. Golly Fionn, am I the instrument of your irony or what?
  6. So, this brings to me the question... What ARE engineers for? Do you clear minefields with them? Dig foxholes? Gee, I wish they could un-bog tanks!
  7. <Spikey Hills (Pyraminds) are fixed in 1.03...> Yeah, pyraminds... the germans had captured UFO technology they used to mind control their troops in battle. These "pyraminds" project a "thou shalt not route" beta wave across the battlefield that... oh, I'll just quit.
  8. I guess I'm the only "official word" here, since I *made* the damn thing. That said, let me tell you a few things of interest... 1. The people who are anti-grid are spouting all this speculation about what advantages it bestows upon you. The fault to their argument is that they've never actually looked at the thing other than in screenshots. Thus, the substance of their entire argument is based on wild speculation. 2. The only advantage I get from my creation is that from the #3 view I can determine "that's a hill, these woods are on a slope, and there's a little dip over here that I could probably move through and not be seen." I don't know where you're getting the idea that it's a magic hull-down tool, because it just ISN'T. If you'd actually used it, you'd know that. How do I go hull down? I let the grid make me aware easier that there's a suitable spot for it in the general area, then I get a tank over there and go to the #1 view... jockey around a bit until the view out of the spot looks like it should be hull-down and then I lay a waypoint there for Mr Tank. Once I've actually located the terrain feature I'm looking for, the grid is of no further benefit.
  9. look, I think pretty much everybody knows that the cold war was actually a cover so we could maintain the budget to develop starwars technology. Why? Because after 1947, we knew the martians were coming to steal our women and we needed Nikolai Tesla particle cannons to shoot down their UFOs.
  10. I just got confirmation from the CM team... the 1.03 patch is going to include the hex terrain. Furthermore, they're going to base LOS on the hexes and change the base graphics into counters for each unit type. The hex terrain was a joke, duh. And I thought it was pretty damn funny too. Laugh, dammit.
  11. Idle hands do the devil's work... I cooked up topographical as well as damn near invisible gridlines for those who felt they were useful but unsightly. <center> </CENTER> <CENTER> </CENTER> [This message has been edited by Aszurom (edited 07-22-2000).]
  12. #>mount /dev/hda2 ~/woman There... it can be done, but not in windows. Actually, you COULD try converting her into a grognard. The game is pretty enough, and it's not like you're asking her to look at hexes or anything. Try the "honey, I need your help to test my map." hotseat game approach.
  13. I think TCP will be a godsend for this game in multiplayer. Finally, we'll be able to BOTH plot a turn at the same time. That will keep interest focused on the match, and speed things up dramatically. I do hope that they allow a "turn clock" to be used. Nothing really constraining, but both parties could agree to something like "15 minute turns minimum, but if we both run longer than that (say 25 minutes) then as soon as one player hits "go" the other has 5 min to wrap up." This would avoid people going afk and causing their opponenet to have to wait an hour for them to finish their move. Also, I'd like to see some sort of chat (with a history buffer) in the game as well.
  14. Erm... Hi. I'm pretty stunned that my lil' mod caused such a debate. I was just sitting here tuesday night thinking... "I wish..." and cooked up a grid. It turned out pretty keen, so I sent it to Matt. The rest is history. In order to make Cpt. Foobar happy, I did this today... (I wonder how many people will jump out of windows when they see this?) <CENTER></Center> http://www.coregamer.com/combat/hexscape.jpg
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