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Question for Big Time Software

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Question for Big Time Software

When CM ships it may take us Europeans some time to receive the software by snail mail.

Would it be practicable for electronic payment to be made and then allow the purchaser to download and cut a CD. (Of course this assumes access to a high-speed data link, which some of us do have).


An impatient european smile.gif

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Guest major_tom
Originally posted by KiloIndiaAlpha:

Question for Big Time Software

When CM ships it may take us Europeans some time to receive the software by snail mail.

Would it be practicable for electronic payment to be made and then allow the purchaser to download and cut a CD. (Of course this assumes access to a high-speed data link, which some of us do have).


An impatient european smile.gif

[/QUOTPlease read the "I'll Order if..."

thread I'm sre you will find it

very enlightening

-Tom W

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True there Kilo. 340 mb is not much when ya have a fast conn BUT why bother?

I ordered many games online and it took 4 days to recieve them (some a week). I've been waiting for over a year now and i don't mind waiting one extra week (or 2) for shipment.

Also, when it's up for download you will proly download the ISO. Meaning piracy is much easier.

Be patient my friend.

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Guest Ol' Blood & Guts

I swear, you people that want a downloadable version sound like a bunch of babies, "I want it NOW, NOW ,NOW!" Gimme a break! and wait for it like the rest of us. So what if it takes a few extra days, SO WHAT! We've all been waiting for the game for a few years now, so pull the pacifier outta your mouth and grow up. GEEZ!

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