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Ideas for CM patch or update- enhancements!

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IMHO, this game is a WWII enthusiast's dream come true. I can't get enough. Is there a planned update or version 2 in the works? If so, I would like to start a thread for new ideas and user requests.

1.I suggest a hot key that pulls up a list of all of your available units. When a unit is selected from the list, it is highlighted on the battlefield.

2.A higher end PC addon which shows more that the usual 3 men in a squad.

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Necessary additions IMHO (not that they really matter; I'd keep playing forever without them).

1) Tank and Infantry ambushes! I don't want nor need my HMGs revealing themselves to Tanks, nor my 'fausts wasting ammo on PBI (Poor Bloody Infantry).

2) User defineable defensive arcs.

3) Trench systems!

4) Engineering and recovery AFVs. Just imagine a nightime scenario involving the recovery of immobilized tanks, while the other side's groundpounders try to stalk your recovery vehicle etc.

5) I second the suggestiosn made in the preceeding message.


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About the first two issues, these have both been discussed heavily. You'll find your answers and a whole lot of pro and con wrangling if you perform searches on 'roster' and, er, dunno, probably 'squad representation' or something like that.

As for the rest-

I don't really have an opinion on the ambush thing, might be nice but not a high priority change imho. Ditto the defensive arcs thing.

AFAIK the type of extensive trench systems you seem to be asking for didn't really exist on the Western Front. Dollars to donuts there'll be trenches in CM2, though.

I'd disagree about the recovering vehicles thing. It's already modeled abstractly in operations, which I think works nicely, and I don't think that the limited time frame of battles would allow recovery of seriously damaged/immobilized tank. Maybe some of the tankers can correct me, but I'd imagine that replacing a tread or an engine would take quite a bit longer than the time alotted to most CM battles.


Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.

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