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CM vs Panzer Elite, a comparrison.

Guest MantaRay

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Guest MantaRay

Well, not really, just didnt want Steve mad at me. smile.gif I really would like to talk about CM, but I may just keep asking, "When is the release date!" <---Just like that. smile.gif

I purchased PE last weekend and I love it. I have a screen shot that I think is cool. It reminds me of CM, and the graphics I would love to see in CM2.


Now tell me that that isnt a cool graphic.

King Tiger vs M4 at short range is fun...for the KT anyway. biggrin.gif



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Guest MantaRay

Shoot, just go through the site if you want to see it. frown.gif

[This message has been edited by MantaRay (edited 02-05-2000).]

[This message has been edited by MantaRay (edited 02-05-2000).]

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Report from the front:

I have both games, to compare...

Panzer Elite gives me a feeling of being there-as a tank commander. The multitude of objects makes it a more believable sim. I must say I prefer playing with the mouse in PE, although normally I like a joystick and rudder in tank sims.

Panzer Commander is more along the lines of M1 tank platoon (original) with an editor. I like PC for the Russian Front mainly, the graphics make it somewhat lacking for Bulge or hedgerow scenarios. Blocky forests.

I usually go for games with editors myself. Hence my anticipation for CM.

Hope this helps... Here's to a pleasant brew...up! biggrin.gif

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I just bought PE a couple of weeks ago. I am such a spaz and a retard that I am having a hard time getting the hang of it. the only way I have been able to have any fun at all is to pick a single Panther and let it fire at will while I try to drive it around. if i have to command more than one tank at a time i just end up having multiple toast boxes instead of just one. I actually did make it all the way through one game with a Panther, and had a pretty good time killing all of those Shermans. Again, tho I am a great fat spaz and can't do real time stuff too well, especially since I have a policy carved in stone that I will never under any circumstances read a manual unless there are high explosives under my seat and the manual sez how to disarm them. eek.gif

Peng without a clue

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Yeah works now - yeah using Proxy with my ISp always does weird things smile.gif

I think the tanks in Cm look way better - I played the demo on PE - and I found the infantry a tad dumb, and robotic smile.gif

Have a look at my tiger texture pic in my Tweaked Textures V2.0 topic - I reckon that looks better than any tank in PE biggrin.gif

Which is funny, since PE is a Tank sim.. the Shermans seem to have Hexagon turrets tongue.gif



aka BLITZ_Force

My Hompage ----> http://www.geocities.com/coolcolj

Double your immersion with my Tweaked Textures and Saving Private Ryan sound set mods for CM!! Check out my music while your there! tongue.gif

[This message has been edited by CoolColJ (edited 02-06-2000).]

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Guest Ol' Blood & Guts

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CoolColJ:

Have a look at my tiger texture pic in my Tweaked Textures V2.0 topic - I reckon that looks better than any tank in PE biggrin.gif

Which is funny, since PE is a Tank sim..


Well, I find that funny too! I had a copy of my buddy's PE and it's OK, his sediments too. Just not enough variety of tanks. And like you said, the infantry sprites were just too corny.

This why I think CM is gonna blow away anything we have seen so far in wargames. For one, for a turn-based strategy game, the vehicles are gonna be the best looking WWII vehicles to date, minus the cool susspension effects in PE, but that's the different between a sim and a strategy game.

The huge variety of infantry squads is another big thing that sets CM apart from other games, including Steel Panthers.

Like I stated in that monsterous thread called "Combat Mission needs" that I started when I was known as Wehrmacht, I first saw advertisements for CM back during the early Alpha days and to be honest, I said, "Oh what the hell is this?" It looked like a cheap game thrown together by some off-the-wall on-line gaming joint. BUT NOW, even with the Beta Demo and all the screenshots I've found, CM will outdo anything we've seen so far.

Even if some major software company gets the testicular fortitude to make a game like this, I fear they will only have to bow to Battlefront.com and BTS for creating the original masterpiece that CM will be.


"I want you to remember that...no bastard ever won a war...by dying for his country...He won it...by making the other poor dumb bastard...die for his country."--George S. Patton

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I, like MrPeng, am a total spaz, and lazy to boot. I have been scouring the landscape for a decent PE tutorial or walk-through, to no avail. If anybody knows of one please let me know. I even posted a thread on the www.panzerelite.com board, requesting a link to strategy articles, and had not a single reply (although it was read by over 60 people - losers).

However, PE seems way superior to PC, which has no infantry at all. I mean, come on, how can you have a serious WWII tanker sim without the threat of zooks, schrecks, and fausts. Who cares what the infantry graphics look like.


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Guest Seimerst

I have played both for some time. PE is a decent WWII tank sim-- some say the best on the market today. Three levels of gunnery difficulty from the laser like simple to actual WWII optic main gun sights-- quite hard. CM of course is far superior as a complete tactical sim. One downside that many players will not like is that when your tank brews up you lose-- no jumping to another tank in your platoon. Of course, once CM is on the street, I am positive it will leave PE in the dust of its tracks (pun intended). However, the bottom line is that I enjoy PE. It has a great mission layout. But there are plenty of on-line reviews of the game that will do your question better justice as to the merits of the game. It doesn't claim to be a tactical sim, just a tank sim. Hope this helps.

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I don't think it makes sense to compare PE with CM. It's like comparing apples with oranges the only thing they have common is they are both fruits. PE is tank simulation

CM is wargame...I don't even want to get any further. PE is the best WW2 tank sim today, no question about, of course from my point of view.

For those about the tutorial. You don't really need it, read the manual , then choose a scenario set yourself to invincible and give yourself unlimited ammo...drive around and learn how to shoot, yes PE is hard core sim and so it reaquires a lot of learning time just like say Jane's F-15, Microprose Falcon 4, or Jane's F-18 or SSI Su 27, get it ?


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My quick, very short comparison.

What is the same:

Individual Tanks and heavy weapons, squads of infantry.

Insane attention to detail.

What is different:

PE - Real time

CM - Turn based, Simultaneous turn resolution

PE - detailed terrain with individual trees

CM - more abstract terrain

PE - First Person (you are a platoon leader and can only give orders to platoon members)

CM - Third Person (Typical wargame role blurring, can give everybody orders)

PE - American vs German in Africa, Italy and France (1942-1944)

CM - Western Allies vs Germany in France, Germany

CM owes much to it's wargaming legacy and is the next great step forward in wargaming. PE is a "flight simulator" for tankers.

I have played wargames for years from "outside the map" and enjoy being able to jump into the turret with PE.

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