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Hey Steve:

I wouldn't want you to go on MPlayer any way cause they, quite frankly suck!

I have Gettysburg and tried to download and install Mplayers software onto my system, well the stuff got downloaded I got onto the site; which has more pop-ups than an Adult site.. and I got as far as chat and that was it... I went to the games section downloaded the current patch for Gettysburg and then I couldn't play online! There were other conflicts with them like not not being able to uninstall there software and it leaving unwanted files in my registry. I wrote Mplayer and they still have yet to answer my my email that was weeks ago.

I think you guys will make enough off CM to start your own Mplaying server!



Sgt. Rock Says " War is Hell, but games are fun "

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A programmed AI will only be as good as the rules provided by its programmer, and the time spent testing and tweaking the AI. The really, really good AIs adjust their own rules over time.

If the AI receives information just as a human player would , and has the same limited information on the disposition and state of enemy forces as a real person would, the only "advantages" it may have is that:

It won't forget to move some unit because the unit is away from the main action,

It won't react emotionally to having it's last piece of armor blown away, and

It will try it's damnedest to eliminate you via the best combination of forces available.

I look forward to playing the AI many, many times. And when I judge I am ready, going after some of the ex-military grogs on this board.

You learn almost nothing from an easy victory. You learn more from a difficult victory. You learn the most when an impersonal, uncaring AI beats the crap out of you, and you take the time to figure out why.

[This message has been edited by Herr Oberst (edited 10-22-99).]

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Hey, Sgt. Rock, I tried the same thing on MPlayer with Gettysburg, and hell if I know what more I need to do to get it to work. Downloaded every damn thing they threw at me, and seems that if you're a newbie on there, nobody's got the time of day for you. I'd sure love to try it, but the only way I ever got to play SMG against another human was through ICQ.

Oh, and are there really that many popups on adult sites? I wouldn't know... :)


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Guest Tom punkrawk

Unfortunetly, I feel I'll be one of those "poor/sloppy" players...too much time playing CC2 and CC3 on custom settings smile.gif

But it'll be just interesting to see a game like this,whether I get my butt kicked everytime or not.Because, after winning a game everytime you play it,it get's a little boring,well same goes for if you get you butt kicked everytime.It'll be a learning experiance.Although a difficulty setting would be nice,but forget that for now,just do what you have to do,to get the demo out.


We ain't got no place to go,let's go to a punk rawk show

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