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Guest GMB OneShot

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Guest GMB OneShot

Just thought ya might wanna know. I had a building collapse from tank fire and my men remained suspended in mid air. They stayed that way for several turns then high tailed it for the rear. Running right down the collapsed staircase. It was pretty cool looking actually, I saved the game if ya want it.

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I am SHOCKED at the lack of knowledge of German aerial troopers (a branch of the paratroopers) which is being shown. wink.gif

Surely you've all heard of the German ubermensch? Well this is just further proof. Troops trained in in-combat levitation were particularly prized on the eastern front where savage house to house fighting was often solved by the "jagdverbande-elevasionertruppen" mounting aerial assaults complete with grenades on enemy strongholds in conjunction with lesser troops who were confined to the ground assault role only.

On the other hand it could be a bug that was fixed some time ago wink.gif



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Guest GMB OneShot

Ohhh, thats right. That was the secret weapon the germans were so confident in. But I thought that was towards the end of the war? LOL

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Yep. You get a gold star for showing applied knowledge of the Wehrmacht wink.gif


While it is true that the "jagdverbande-elevasionertruppen" concept reached fruition only in the last months of the war experimental units were utilised prior to this time.

These experimental units were known as "X-menschen" ( or X-men to you Americans) and have been used as the basis for many comic books. In these comic books, although distorted, we can see evidence of experimentation with helmet-mounted lasers, genetic splicing, environmental weaponry and sonic weaponry as well as all manner of aerial troops.

After the war the surviving "jagdverbande-elevasionertruppen" ( a name so unpronouncable to the GIs who captured them that they were officially re-christened "X-men" were brought to America and placed under the command of Captain Jezebel ( codename... what else other than.. Captain America).

Captain America undertook much secret training with the X-men at secret facilities such as Rosswel (accounting for some modern myths) and other such bases in the late 40s and 50s. After the end of trials various members of the X-men settled in the US in cities such as Gotham ( Batman ( a product of genetic splicing), Pengiun (ditto), The Joker ( the funny guy in the platoon), CatWoman ( used to be Catman until an accident with a grenade) ) and Metropolis (Superman... Previously Herman Troeckser Sergeant of the ""jagdverbande-elevasionertruppen"... hence the S on his chest which has often been misinterpreted ).

Of course the US government feared this secret would come out and hence has suppressed the truth about the "jagdverbande-elevasionertruppen" veterans by various cute cartoons, comic books and movies in an effort to fool the US public about the threat in their midst wink.gif

Hmm, someone from the bazooka thread would probably believe all this conspiracy jazz LOL wink.gif

I may not have kissed the Blarney stone yet but I'm half Irish so I still got the gift wink.gif



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Guest Charles

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! smile.gifsmile.gif

Boy, I really enjoyed that one! Very creative (he says with a twinge of jealousy in his voice).

My estimation of you as a person went up considerably with that post (not that it was poor in the first place). smile.gif Great job!


Not THE Charles from BTS

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