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Fog question

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If this has been covered I appologize - I searched on "Fog" and got 100+ matches, & didn't see anything that answered my Q.

How will fog be modeled in the game - Is it simply a graphic "eye-candy" from the point of view of the camera, or will the fog density depend on what your units can see? For example:

If the camera is on the south edge of a map at the beginning of a scenario and a hill on the North edge cannot be seen through the fog, will it become more visible as you pan the camera north towards the hill until it is clear when the camera rests on the hill...


Will the fog appear to get denser as the camera pans away from your troops to maintain the limited visibility at range, thus keeping the hill hidden?

In order to support the later, I suppose a visibility map would need to be calculated realtive to your troops and the starting fog level at the camera's position adjusted accordingly (ie volumetric fog?).

Probably not in there, but just a thought.

IMO it would be a nice feature to have and add a lot to the fog of war to have the terrain fogged in as well. Perhaps a similar result could be obtained by restricting the camera movement in low visibility to a certain distance from friendly troops.


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Guest Big Time Software


This is a shot from Chance Encounter taken from the "North", or right side of the US' side. The forces in question are marching along the road. Note that you can't see hardly anything beyond the road, including the ridgeline.

The on-screen graphics change as you move the camera. In other words, as you move a "cone" (or circle if overhead) of visibility travels with you. However, each unit can only see x meters no matter where the camera is. So in that sense the fog graphics and penalties are not directly linked (you can also turn Fog graphics off, as some cards don't support it).

There are two densities of fog, and I think the more dense one has 200m as absolute max visual range. However, after about 50m significant reductions in LOS quality are evident. Fog affects LOS and spotting.


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Thanks Steve.

I've been toying with the Idea of playing an entire game from camera angle 1, full tree density, and only from the POV of the units (ie no panning, just cycling through each) just to get an idea of how hard it would be to read the battlefield at ground level. I'll bet the hills become a little more imortant!

Fog would make this quite an experience indeed...

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