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New player, and feature question


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New player here. I found the battlefront "Combat Mission" series some time ago as a youngin', getting a demo through PC Gamer. Never really interested me. After my time in the military as an Infantryman(11B) I fell in love with this game after a "Re-discovery", if you will. Bought it for myself as a birthday present because, why not? So far I'm having a great time, though I'm finding myself a little frustrated on occasion, due to the seemingly all seeing AI. Frequently I find myself walking into their fields of fire, and almost never the other way around. Off topic, but just my personal opinion.

Back on topic, why isn't there a feature where units provide "SPOT" or "SALUTE" reports? Maybe this has been brought up before, I don't know. For those who aren't aware of what that is:

S = Situation
P = Position
O = Observation
T = Task

or the variation:

S = Size
A = Activity
L = Location
U = Uniforms
T = Time
E = Equipment

My idea of what this would consist of could simply be when a friendly unit positively identifies a unit, a little window would pop up if you click on them saying what squad/unit on the map has identified them. I find myself searching through many units sometimes only to find that the guys I thought could see them don't, and the guys I thought couldn't have managed to find a small sliver to see through. It would be very similar to reviewing the battlefield at the end of the map, you can see who killed what. Another example could be that after a unit gets LOS to a unit, has positively identified it, then loses LOS you get the icon with the question mark displaying the general unit type (tank/infantry/APC/truck/etc) that you can click on. It would then display who saw what, number of personnel, weapons ID'd, time, etc.

I think this would add a lot of depth in terms of commanding your units. It might allow you to make slightly better, more informed decisions based on what you know exists and where. Losing line of sight your units have zero clue about what they saw. Information is ammunition.

Thoughts? Is this something you would like to see? Is this something we can submit to the Devs and have them implement?

Thanks for reading.

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...I'm finding myself a little frustrated on occasion, due to the seemingly all seeing AI. Frequently I find myself walking into their fields of fire, and almost never the other way around. Off topic, but just my personal opinion.

 Rest assured, the AI operates using exactly the same FoW rules you work under. It sounds like you're playing on the offense vs defensive AI, which, IMO, is the best way of playing; the AI can get into some awful messes when attacking.

...why isn't there a feature where units provide "SPOT" or "SALUTE" reports?



My idea of what this would consist of could simply be when a friendly unit positively identifies a unit, a little window would pop up if you click on them saying what squad/unit on the map has identified them. I find myself searching through many units sometimes only to find that the guys I thought could see them don't, and the guys I thought couldn't have managed to find a small sliver to see through.

There is, at least a way to avoid having to click through your own units to find who has spotted what has been spotted: select the spotted enemy unit. When you do this, the icon(s) of (all) the unit(s) that can see them will highlight. Now you've clicked on the enemy unit you can also hit "Tab" and "lock" your view to that unit, hit view 1 or 2 and look and see what your unit(s in aggregate) can see. Click on your own highlighted units, and you'll see what portion of the spotted element each of your units with the contact can see.

Another example could be that after a unit gets LOS to a unit, has positively identified it, then loses LOS you get the icon with the question mark displaying the general unit type (tank/infantry/APC/truck/etc) that you can click on. It would then display who saw what, number of personnel, weapons ID'd, time, etc.

Unfortunately, the TacAI has little or no "memory" and giving it such is probably a pretty big programming job and resource drain when playing.

It's not so big an issue in WeGo, because you can hop about in the replay back to when your troops were actually spotting the unit, if they've seen it in the last minute. Beyond that, though, you've just gotta keep a (general) track yourself.


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