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Beta Demo Configuration?

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Sorry if this has already been posted, i tried my best to search for it.

I recently downloaded the demo, thought it was pretty cool, but i couldn't figure out how to configure my hardware, and the performance was pretty poor.

FYI, I've got a p2 @ 338mhz, 128 megs of ram, an abit LX motherboard, a TNT 1 with a pair of voodoo2 12mb's (sli), running windows 98 with directx 7 and the latest drivers as to my knowledge.

I'm just wondering, is the game 3d accelerated? How would i configure the card i want to use for the game? I couldn't find any video configuration screen or option or even reference in the readme.

btw: great game. looking foward to the final version. thanks

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Guest Big Time Software

One of the elements of Beta Combat Mission that still needs work is the sensing of a computer's 3D hardware. You've got a pretty funky setup there with a TNT1 and a double Voodoo as well, and I suspect CM is getting a little confused. For some reason I think you're not getting hardware acceleration right now. So for now, I suggest setting your monitor to a lower resolution (maybe 800x600?) and see if things speed up.


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That was my identical configuration prior to replacing those three video cards with just a TNT2. Anyways, pop the top, pull those voodoo-2's out and play some CM. If your set-up is confusing the game, then it will be well worth the effort. when you want to restore the 2 Voodoo-2's just reinsert them and windows will restore the drivers. It will be truly plug and play and you will be way OK.

Richard Kalajian

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