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Bagpipes for the Brits

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Have a few WWI & WWII reenacting friends who have, in the past, told me of bagpipers on the fields during a tactical event. Out of curiosity, will the morale rating of both sides be affected (increase or decrease, depending on the side) when the distant sound of the pipes will be heard? Just a neat little environmental touch that I don't know if anyone's thought of yet. Haven't seen any previous posts about it.

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Bagpipes? If they're putting bagpipe music in this game with magical morale effects, I'm going to cancel my pre-order!

Please, please, please: get the combat model and AI right first and worry about the bells and whistles later. If I want to hear the "+3 Bagpipes of Bravery Bolstering", I'll play AD&D!

Dar Steckelberg

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Guest Big Time Software

HAHA!! Very, very funny you two smile.gif

No to the pipes. Although Charles and myself enjoy hearing the sound of 'em, it is far too out in left field to include.

As a historical note, the only SURE case I ever heard of them being used was by the relief force headed towards the Pegasus Bridge. I don't feel like looking up the names and units, but I'm sure 10 people have it on the tips of their typing fingers right now!


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