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Blue line vs Black line LOS checks?

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I am enjoying this game very much.

I searched through the threads but couldn't find an answer to this question. When checking LOS to a target sometimes the line is blue and sometimes the line is black (I know a partial red/black line means the LOS is blocked). But what is the difference between the blue and black line? It appears both have LOS to the target. I was wondering because I have had some problems getting my mortars to conduct area fire - and I can't figure out if its an issue of them being out of the command range, or if these different colored lines mean something, because the seem to be less responsive to my fire orders when the LOS line is black to the target.

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been wondering about this myself, that blue line actually seems to take on several diffrent shades of blue. It appears to me that the lighter the blue the better the LOS, and when it's black the LOS is VERY poor but not quite blocked thus it is not red and black. But.. I have no clue if I am right about this!! <G>



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