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Great Movie: "Gagarin: First In Space"

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Hi all,


I was tempted to post this in the CM:BS forum but I know politics there is against the rules, so I am (reluctantly) posting this here instead.


Tonight I watched a Russian movie called "Gagarin: First in Space". I really loved this movie, which tells the story of Yuri Gagarin, from boyhood in Nazi-occupied Russia, to becoming the first man to orbit the Earth in 1961. It is a movie just as moving and uplifting as "Apollo 13". Watching this movie made me realise just how similar Russians and Americans are. I urge everyone to watch this movie. I know things are pretty bad these days in terms of East-West relations. Putin shares a big part of the blame, but if we are honest, we in the West share a part of it too. We may have won the Cold War but the future depends on us being magnanimous in victory. We should not be playing power games in Eastern Europe and gloating over our victory in the Cold War. Russia is a great nation, just like America is, and it would be in the interests of all mankind if these two great nations could work together rather than be rivals. I sincerely hope that the Ukraine situation does not blind us to what we in the West have in common with Russia. There should be less sabre rattling and more accomodation. Great nations like these are our future. We need to settle our quarrels peacefully and work towards a better future.


Thank you for reading this - now go watch the movie! Currently it is free to watch on Amazon Prime.

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