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Destroying Enemy Units

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The Red Dawn thread has got me thinking.

Will CM's scenario editor allow the designer to create any good scenarios where victory is decided only on killing enemy units? I've experienced that most computer games don't do this well.

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Guest Big Time Software

Very rarely was there a battle that involved total destruction of the enemy force at CM's scale, so there isn't a specific setting for this in the editor. HOWEVER, it is entirely possible to win by totally wiping out the enemy force and NOT taking the objectives. I think this is what you were wondering about, right?


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Actually, I was thinking about some scenarios in the old boardgame Tobruk. The British had no hope of holding ground so victory conditions were determined by numbers destroyed. I tried to convert these scenarios to Steel Panthers, but it was kind of ridiculous. So, I was wondering if these kind of scenarios would translate well into Combat Mission?

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Guest Big Time Software

Ah! Casualties (not just full units destroyed) count heavily towards vicotry. You can win a scenario by killing way too many of the other side, objectives or not. In fact, you can cause the other side to give up early smile.gif Unlike boardgames, we can enforce realistic withdrawals due to losses. Even the Soviets would call off an attack or defense before the last man was wiped out. Well, some of the times anyhoo wink.gif Each nationality does have a different tollerence for this, IIRC.


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Guest Lokesa

IIRC victory locations have to be occupied to count right? so if you were to wipe the enemy off the map he couldn't claim any vl's right?

Oops, disregard this message, BTS has put the answer very clear in the thread victory locations.

[This message has been edited by Lokesa (edited 08-12-99).]

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