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57mm / 6-pounder HE shell?

Guest Big Time Software

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Guest Big Time Software

I am under the impression that the British 6-pounder antitank gun was originally outfitted only with armor-piercing (AP) ammunition, but that by 1944 limited amounts of high explosive (HE) had been developed and issued for use against infantry targets. Apparently the same was true of the U.S. 57mm AT gun, which was nearly the same weapon.

But I have not been able to verify this assumption. All my data books refer only to the AP round.

Does anyone know of evidence that HE shells were issued to these guns? Muzzle velocities (yes, even for HE) and shell weights would be great too. Thanks.


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Yes, HE/T (High Explosive, Tracer base) shells were issued to most 6 pounder-equipped units by late '43 early 44.

Muzzle velocity was 823 m/sec in the Mark V gun. (Mk V was 2971 mm long (approx an L/52)

Muzzle Velocity for the Mark III 6 pounder is unknown unfortunately but since by the time the HE/T came into service the Mark V 6 pounder would have been the predominant gun this isn't a big issue at all really. The Mark III 6 pounder had a gun length of 2565mm ( L/45)

Shell weight was 2.88 Kg in the HE/T fired from the Mark V but unfortunately I don't know how much was explosive and how much was shell casing.

That's the data used by Panzer Commander for the Mark V 6 pounder anyways and its as accurate as I can make it.

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Guest Big Time Software

I'd like 57mm data too. However, I don't believe Kevin's source on the 975 m/s HE figure (but thanks anyway for providing it, Kevin). That's even faster than the AP velocity. 975 m/s would be more appropriate to a tungsten round (HVAP/APDS/SVDS).


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Just curious...

I know that HVAP must refer to High Velocity Armour Piercing shell and APDS is Armour Piercing Discarding Sabot, right?

So what is SVDS?? Never think I've heard of that one. S???? V???? Discarding Sabot???

Mike D

aka Mikester

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Steve- I thought it was a bit high too. The values given by the same source for AP (57mm M1)was 998 m/s and 992 m/s for APC. I checked another source, "The Illustrated Encyclopedia of 20th Century Weapons and Warfare"- and it only gives info for the AP shot: 853 m/s. Other info showed that with the M1 model, the only difference between it and the 6pdr was barrel length- 43 calibres for the 6pdr vs. 50 calibres for the M1. With AP shot, the M1 could penetrate 73mm of 20 deg. sloped armour at 914m. No other info available on the HE round, unfortunately.

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