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Hey CoolColJ! There is nothing "good" about Win98, nor Win95, nor Win3.x...

Now, Mac O/S 7, 8 or 9, there's a good O/S!

Thank goodness BTS recognizes this! Or, my wargaming choices would be almost nil!

Thanks BTS!

Steve C.

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Guest John Maragoudakis

French underground message coming through...

ze baker is taking ze cake out of ze oven,

je repete, ze baker is taking ze cake out of ze oven.

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I vote for something really suitable like

"Oscar, here's the proof you are wrong! Study THIS!"

I think it has a certain rough charm wink.gif

Alternately, "The geese in May fall mainly in the plains."



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Your right! BEOS is much better than Win 98 - haven't seen win 2000, for games and audio, the code bloat is wasting cpu cycles - my 600mhtz'ed p3 500, should absolutley roast, but it sure doesn't feel that way sometimes frown.gif

To tell you the truth, if I were to run AmigaDos 3.1 on my Pc (I still own and use an Amiga 1200 with a motorola 030 40 mhtz!) it would roast!! I reckon wink.gif And it fits on one 800k floppy -ok some of it is in a 1meg rom! But still! It does most of what WIndows does anyway, plus it multitasks properly, which I believe even Mac OS can't still do properly wink.gif

Oh well - they do make Power Pc for AMigas you know - but no CM frown.gif LOL


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I overheard a conversation my friends were having a long time ago. The only line I heard was "The brocolli is in the freezer."

At the time it sounded like some form of code eventhough he was literally talking about brocolli being in the freezer. And ever since we cryptically say "the brocolli is in the freezer" as a code phrase.

Hey, if we get the demo before the unwashed masses, are we the washed masses? Or maybe the unwashed few?


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