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Playback of Entire Battle?

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I'm sure this has been brought up recently, but I wasn't able to find the answer in a search, so forgive the redundancy. I found this old post from Big Time:

"We plan on having an option that will save out each turn's resolution playback to a single file so you can watch the whole battle. However, this is in CM format..."

Is this still true? I sincerely hope so. I have to admit that watching the replays might be my favorite part of the game.

I was a board wargamer many years ago and for some reason was never able to get into the PC version of the genre, so I've been focused on sims and FPS games. But this game has really hooked me. This may sound silly, but this game gives me the same feeling of immersion (especially during the replays) I had when I played an old SPI game called Highway to the Reich. When I would look down at that long, narrow map spread over my ping pong table, the scale of the game, the design of the map and gameplay gave me a real feeling of "you are there." This game has taken that feeling of immersion one step further, as if I had been sucked down into those cardboard units on that paper map. This is what sims are about and CM has beaten them at their own game. Needless to say, I've been alerting my old wargaming buddies about CM. Nice job Big Time. Thanks for rekindling my interest. Bring on the full length replays.

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Guest Big Time Software

Jim, it is still very much our plan. If it doesn't make it into 1.0 it will be released as a free patch. Unfortunately, it isn't as easy for us to do as we would like.


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that would be a great thing to have availble in the full release. being able to see were you did tactical mistakes without going though the prosses,"Witch turn did that happen" and also watching from the enemy perspective would be cool.

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