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Have you guys given any thought to what the demo is going to be? As one possibility/suggestion, what about making the demo the scenario that has been playtested on the Gamers Net? Its got it all: attack and defense by both sides, armor, artillery, infantry, city fighting, long-range fighting, lots of decisions by both sides. And, you wouldn't have to 'give' or 'reveal' anything that hasn't already been given or revealed.

If not that, what are you thinking of making the demo out to be?


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Guest Big Time Software

Yeah, we had hoped to squeak it out by the last day of September, but that isn't going to happen. We spent a whole extra week tweaking the Beta before getting it out the door. It just got into their hands yesterday and today. Some still don't have theirs.

There will be two scenarios, one US attack and one German. Most likely both will be in the summer as we want to keep the download reasonable (each season's graphics are huge). Definately some urban stuff in there.


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