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Unit Experience and Unit Behaviour Query

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I should like to raise one query re the presumed relationship between experience and likely unit behaviour which is programmed in.

At one point in "Unit Behaviour" section of the beta guide it states "The worse the unit the more selfish they are going to be.If you tell an elite unit to run across an MG fire swept field they might do it-----but not a conscripted one". And again in the "Unit Morale" section it states "The poorer the units experience the higher the chance the unit will do something other than you want".

I would be inclined to argue the reverse is the case.Historically I believe it was those experienced and hardened veterans of,for example the Desert War (eg Desert rats)who learned above all else self survival skills and who later resisted any gung ho

manoeuvres or "brave " and "rash "tactics and orders.It was the hardened veterans of the earlier campaigns who learned how to keep their heads down and how to survive in Normandy.In fact there are instances where fresh untried troops were introduced to undertake offensive operations which were being stalled by the cautious and self survival priorities of the more experienced and veteran units.

I am therefore suggesting that an algorithm which relates greater unit experience with the more reliable carrying out of all orders is arguable and indeed in many cases the reverse might be true.

Id like to keep this query in context---- I think it is an excellent sim and destined I feel sure to become even better. Thanks to all involved.

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Those British units were a special case actually.

Quite literally they were all "fought out" and should have been disbanded with all their soldiers being put in training battalions to train up the newbies.

In other armies the more experienced troops were much more reliable and in the German army some of the things crack and elite troops did are amazing...

There's even an account of a Waffen SS platoon commander leading an infantry platoon charge in street fighting in Normandy whilst holding a SWORD in his hand..

Those guys were often just mad for combat..



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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I've actually read something along those lines in Dupuy, which corroborated pcelt's observation. I think perhaps Green units should have a slight modifier to Fanaticism, reflecting that sometimes they just didn't know any better. Also, along the same lines...British troops may've been a special

case, but it was common towards the time of Normandy for British units to be a lot more cautious then the American ones. How should this be reflected in CM? Perhaps we need not only a Fanaticism figure, but some sort of Aggresiveness modifier? For example, a unit

which has Green experience but Regular morale, etc.

And speaking of modifiers, what exactly do the +1 Stealth etc. on HQ units signify? Does it make a big difference? Does it apply to HQ only, or to it's units as well...what's the deal?

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If you're interested in a movie which discusses those very issues -- although Sean Connery's Scot accent can sometimes make the discussion hard to follow -- see "The Hill." The story's set in a British military prison in North Africa to which ex-Sgt Major Sean Connery is confined after being court martialled for refusing to lead his men into a hopeless battle.

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