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shogun total war

Guest Lokesa

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Guest Lokesa

Hello all

Steve, Charles you guys wouldn't happen to know the guys doing Shogun do you? any comments about the game?

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Guest Big Time Software

We know of the game, but not who is doing it. Besides a First Look (i.e. prior to preview) I saw a few months ago, haven't heard a thing about it.

Why do you ask?


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Guest Lokesa

Mainly I was just curious as to your opinion. as there hasn't been any news and the release dates have been pushed back repeatedly, I was hoping you guys might somehow know something about it.

It looks to be quite a grand undertaking, I hope they pull it off. One of my interests is asian culture, especialy the Japanese during their medievil times. Until Hideyoshi came into power it was a time of great upheaval where a peasants could become lords and the lords become peasants. I believe Shogun is supposed to be set in that era.

I doubt it will be able to suplant my expectred obsession with CM though :)

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