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Wheat Fields

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I started a defense in The Last Defense last night and hid a bazooka team in the wheat field. "Stay put and wait for the itty bitty Tiger to rumble past you."

Well the Tiger or something, spotted the team 100 yards before it got to the wheat field. The team had not come out of hiding; in fact I had set an ambush marker that had not been crossed.

Now I know the wheat field ain't gonna protect those boys from the 88 mounted on that sucker. But shouldn't I be able to hide in there?

One other note, I haven't seen any vehicles smoke or brew up the way they did in Fionn and Moon's game. I've enabled smoke and fire. Is that not in the demo?

Otherwise, this is awesome -- damn you Charles and Steve, I'm dreaming about that 88 on top of the hill.

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Guest Scott Clinton

I could be wrong...

But considering that the game is 3D and using the "1-view" the field looks like it has already been harvested. Also considering that the scen. is in August (I think)...it would seem that your men were simply laying in the middle of an EMPTY wheat field covered with low (1"-4=6") stubble, thus the yellow color. Not much concealment really.


The Grumbling Grognard

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Good points really.

It would be nice if BTS can raise the height of the wheatfields so they block LOS and provide more concealment. At least in summertime senarios before the harvest season. Of course the hull of tanks should still be penetrated if they are behind the fields.

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Morte - the fire is definately on - in Last Defense, an American Arty strike managed to hit the open top of one of my HT's, and it was on fire for the rest of the game. In the Reisburg scenario, the Americans set a whole house on fire for about 10 minutes! Thankfully, I only had the sole survivor of a green squad in there...

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LOL. Let me tell you something about that bazooka team wink.gif

It was sitting in the MIDDLE of a big wheat field in a big foxhole wondering why an unbuttoned tank opened fire on it wink.gif.

basically if an enemy is within 100 metres then your foxholes are spotted.

Big open pits are easy to spot wink.gif



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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