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CMBN - Quick battle (ME), AAR (Allied)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry lads for the long delay. I have been extremely busy the last few weeks, and haven't had time to compose the AAR of pictures that I had already taken...

But here they are, finally! Happenings occurring during turns 3 to 5. There is plenty of photos, so hopefully they will suffice.

Turn 3


Easy's first elements start they rush through the open field...


...and they spot yet another Flak 44 standing stationary in a wheat field.


Top picture: A lonely sentry watches as troops of Dog Co. shift their position to the right side of point Village. Other pictures: The rest of Dog Co. has almost reached the initial fire positions.


The vanguard of Fox Co. reaches Harbor.


Overall situation of the center and right flank. Note that although Easy company's lead elements are quite bunched up, the plateau offers them quite good coverage.

Turn 4 coming up.

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Turn 4 concentrates to the right flank since things catch up little speed!

Turn 4


First, albeit weak, baseline gets established and first bullets are shot, targeting the Flak (bullets can be seen in the last pic if you watch closely enough...)


Few moments later, more of Easy company has reached the hedge.


Stug awaits its prey stationary. The small flash down one tank icon is in fact first round from this Stug. Luckily it didn't hit anything. As far as I know, Cércy isn't aware of my Sherman, so Stug's shot was probably aimed at the infantry.


A stray bullet catches one of my pixel troops! Dang, first blood is in.


Sherman advances to a better position, concealed by the forest. Two guys in the pic belong to Easy company's HQ element.

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Turn 4


Situation just before the video ends. Krauts keep popping up like mushrooms in rain.

Turn 5


Brave men of Easy company return fire while rest of the troops are still getting into positions.


Stug keeps harassing Easy. This time the round went through the hedge (injuring one soldier in process) and blew up further back causing no additional casualties.

It is only a matter of time when Stug hits the jackpot. Unfortunately it is positioned in such a way that I am afraid to bring my tanks forward. The flak - though pinned atm - possess a big risk I'm not willing to take. Therefore I have planned the first indirect fire solution:


Three fire plans have been decided. 1) A point target to flak spotted during the first two rounds. 2) An area target to the other flak (Easy's FO doesn't have LOS to it) and 3) A line target targeting Cércy's current infantry location. All fire solutions are to harass and pin down Cércy, giving me an opportunity to advance. If Easy just holds out three minutes...

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Some of Cércy's troops seem to be trying to advance to Farmhouse A.


Cércy's view to my troops. Observer that the immediate danger zone is the hedge and the space right behind it.


Harbor is taken without any incidents. The vanguard continues to advance towards Fortress.

Some overall thoughts

  • Retrospectively I think it would have been a wiser decision to reroute Easy from where the scouts moved. At they current position they tend to be a sitting duck just waiting an artillery barrage or Stug/Flak scoring a big time. I don't yet have a fire superiority so I'm declined to execute my assault plan. It will probably take another turn or two until all elements of Easy are in position, so I will asses the situation then.
  • No enemy movement on the left flank. I should be able to notice if Cércy tries to capture Fortress, but everything has been dead quite for now. It might be that Cércy won't advance at all from there, which would give me a big advantage.
  • Pics from center and left flank will be provided in the next turn.



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Yea, I was a little surprised seeing them. Luckily, as far as I have observed, they haven't actually done anything, except getting pinned by my small arms fire. ;)

I'll provide the overlay picture, probably with the next turn (I have already played and somewhat documented that turn).

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And have a healthy respect for those StuG's. Not much experience of them in CM, but in Close Combat: Last Stand Arnhem I held the first battlegroup of XXX Corps at Valkenswaard (i.e. the most southern sector on the map) with one single StuG IIIG. Also, in WWIIOL, I did extremely well in a StuG IIIG.

So, they might not have a turret but the sloped front is a bitch to penetrate. In CM, the StuG turns very slowly, so that's your chance. Strike fast, strike hard. :)

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