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Re-introducing myself

Guest Michael emrys

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Guest Michael emrys

Hi guys!

I've been away for a while, 8 months to be exact. My computer died and I've only recently been able to get it fixed. So I've go a lot of catching up to do.

The good news is that while I was undergoing the forced absence I did a lot of reading and will have a list of books to post...er...as soon as I can locate it, that is. In a recent binge of housekeeping I seem to have managed to put it "somewhere safe".

Meanwhile, it's good to see some of my online buddies again as well as a host of new faces.


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8 months??? has it been that long? Check out the AAR's over at thegamers.net for a battle between Fionn and Moon, lot's of screenshots.

Welcome back smile.gif

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Boy this thread looks like a reunion now. smile.gif

Remember the old board with the never ending spiral of good discussions. wink.gif Remember how it almost drove Steve crazy. wink.gif

Michael, make sure you give that computer a good once over, the Beta should be out soon and you wouldn't want to miss that would you?



[This message has been edited by Rhet (edited 10-27-99).]

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Guest Michael emrys

Thanks guys. I've missed you too.

Now for that book list (I found it! I found it!). All of these are from the American Forces in Action Series published by the U.S. Government Printing Office. Most of them were published within a few years of the end of the war.

• Omaha Beachhead (6 June--13 June, 1944).

•St-Lô (7 July--19 July, 1944).

•Utah Beach to Cherbourg (6 June--27 June, 1944).

•Small Unit Actions: France: 2nd. Ranger Battalion at Pointe du Hoe; Saipan: 27th. Division on Tanapag Plain; Italy: 351st. Infantry at Santa Maria Infante; France: 4th. Armored Division at Singling.

•Anzio Beachhead (22 January--25 May, 1944).

•Fifth Army at the Winter Line (15 November, 1943--15 January, 1944).

There is also a book about the campaign in Tunisia that falls outside the time frame of the game and half a dozen books about the Pacific war that do not concern us at present. I got my copies via inter-library loan so I am not sure about their present commercial availability. I do know that several of them were reprinted in the last 15 years. One word of caution: If like me you seek them via inter-library loan you should realize that the reprints packaged their maps in a seperate envelope as opposed to the earlier editions with the maps bound in. Believe me the maps are by far the most important part of the books, being detailed right down to the level we are interested in (individual bunkers, etc.). So if you are getting them through the library, stress the importance that the maps be included. With them, I expect we can cook up some interesting scenarios.

Good hunting!


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8 months! I was only a poor miserable lurker back then smile.gif

Many of those publications you mention are actually on the web. Try the CMH home page at:


they are not all grouped together so you have to scout around a bit (a lot) but there is some good small unit stuff. Unfortunately they recently reorganised their website and some of the stuff you mention which was previously accessible is now gone. But most of it is there with lots more too!

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