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Ambush Radius

Guest Pham

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Anyone know what the trigger area is for an ambush marker? I'm wondering because I set one along a road with a panzerschrek, HQ, and SMG squad laying in wait for a tank, and while it worked great(schrek got the tank, SMG squad oblliterated the crew after they bailed), the ambushing squads popped up very early but all at the same time. It seemed like the ambush was triggered about 25m or so before the tank got to the marker. So, is the ambush marker the trigger itself, or is there a wider area around it?

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I have encountered this too on a number of occasions. Not only do ambushing troops seem to lack battle discipline by springing an ambush early, but also take it upon themselves to engage different targets entirely, compromising their positions often resulting in tragedy. I have put this down to the demo's early build though.

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Well things like tanks approaching make troops nervous hence the early triggering of the ambush.

Personally I set ambushes for green troops VERY near to the troops so they aren't triggered early, set ambushes for regular troops maybe 20 metres closer than I want it triggered and set ambushes for crack and elite troops at the exact spot I want wink.gif



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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