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Charge of the Sherman Brigade (CM AT article)

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Hi everyone,

On Friday I was reading the board and noticed a little bit of discussion of AT guns and noticed people weren't sure of how well they were implemented in the game since, naturally enough, you hadn't ever seen them in action and had only ever seen one screenshot.

Well, never let it be said the Combat Mission section at The Gamer's Net doesn't listen to what you want ;).. End result I spent all of Friday evening making a simple map, playing a game on it and writing up all the screenshots I took.

Basically I pitted 2 Stuarts, 9 Sherman 75s, 2 Sherman 76s and a single Jumbo (which was leading the Sherman column) against 3 dug-in AT guns and a King Tiger..

I eventually withdrew the Tiger off the map since it was only in there for a little fun.

I took close to 40 full-size screenshots and, contrary to my normal practice of reducing every shot to 800 pixels in width I left these as they were. I still compressed them a little via jpeging them but I don't think the quality has suffered too much.

Basically this is the first time you will see a whole raft of 30some Combat Mission full-size screenshots.

I have paid particular attention in these shots to showing how AT guns within 200 or 300 metres of the American tanks but camouflaged in woods can remain hidden until, and even after, they open fire.

On two separate occasions 88s were not spotted until at least their second shot. What that means for the player is that if he mounted a concentrated 4 AT gun ambush on an Allied column he would be able to fire some 8 shells before being spotted. 8 Shells doesn't mean much but in the right hands it equates to an entire platoon of Shermans taken out without reply.

Pictures to look out for. Look out for the reverse view from the first knocked out Stuart's perspective. The King Tiger fires at it before the Tiger is even seen and the 88 which finally does kill the Stuart is not spotted until it opens fire again at the American main body.

Note the Tac AIs use of retreats to move out of lines of fire and protect itself. Of note: The tacAI will NOT reverse a Tiger from an advancing Sherman 76 or something stupid like that since the Tiger should be well able to kill the Sherman but it will automatically retreat tanks in the face of AT ambushes or if a far superior tank shoots at them.

Be SURE to open the full images of "reverse shots" to check for yourself that the locations of 88s (which I have clearly marked with red circles) are invisible to the Americans even though they are within two hundred metres of them.

Anyways, it will be posted to the TGN CM section real soon. Pat did a great job with a real html monster. He does all the thumbnailing of shots etc and this 8 MB monster took a lot of doing let me tell you ;).



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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