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Call to Arms AAR (Central Powers) - Will vs Ash

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Back in the driving seat and to the western front- it's 1914 once again...

This time I'll be heading up the Kaiser's impressive forces and attempting to crush the Allies. Oh, wait, um...Entente.

The first 2 turns saw Ash and I getting right into the thick of it straight away. In the early deployment stage, I was given several German troops to deploy as I saw fit- I sent some to the west, but most were redirected to the east. My plan this game is crush Serbia quickly with German assistance before focusing the bulk of my efforts on Russia, hoping to get improved infantry weapons quickly so that I can turn attentions west in the late game.

The Schlieffen Plan went off without a hitch, although the Belgians are hanging on by the skin of their Ypres to avoid surrendering. Rather than trying to bulldoze my way to the capital, I'm mopping up as many troops as possible to build XP.


In the east, the Russian bear revealed itself around the Austrian fortresses and pushed towards the oil, bringing a corps down to strength 1 (subsequently retired to the rear). Austrian reinforcements surged forward and avenged the losses, destroying a Russian corps.


In Serbia, German reinforcements were brought in to assist while a corps was destroyed by Austrian reinforcements. The lackluster level 4 Austrian HQ was replaced with a level 7.

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