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Goofy Trivia

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Guest John Maragoudakis

In order to improve thier aim and steadiness, US anti tank men stuck thier bazooka gum on thier... well bazooka. In time, the anti tank weapon became known as the bazooka. How's that for trivia?

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Guest Bryan Corkill

An American commedian of the era had a mythical musical insturment called a bazooka. Looked alot like the RL, the name stuck.

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During the early 1940's there was a radio comedian by the name of Bob Burns, who used a strange looking musical instrument called a "Bazooka". The M9A1 Rocket Launcher (official name) bore a striking resemblance

to this instrument, leading the soldiers who used it to dub it "the bazooka"



"It is well that War is so terrible, lest we grow to fond of it"

Robert E. Lee

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