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This is my rather inexperienced opinion, you have been warned:

According to the manual, this is what happens if you don't create Vichy France

Germany will have an opportunity to offer military concessions to Spain once France has surrendered. French forces continue the fight from Algiers, where they will field a HQ, strength 10 army, a strength 10 Tactical Bomber and a strength 8 Strategic Bomber. French units have a greater chance of fighting on from exile once their country surrenders.

Now, I've toyed with this scenario in a few hotseat and AI games to see how it plays out and the salient facts are these;

- You're forced to keep fighting the French in France, who get a massive boost to NM with you as the Axis having little opportunity to do much direct NM damage without an amphib landing in Algiers

- The French fleet survives, meaning that combined with the massive RN you'll either face a crackdown on your sub raiding or the Italian fleet will come under serious pressure

- The whole shabang delays Barbarossa by quite some time

- It makes getting Franco onside as simple as clicking a button, albeit a very expensive button

So overall, I haven't seen it to be worthwhile, mainly because you give the USSR a lot of time to build an army on equal terms with Germany's. The only 2 real benefits to be taken are a slightly increased MPP per turn from the extra territory and a pact with Franco, but in my opinion you're better off creating Vichy and going full pelt for Sealion right after, which, combined with a little diplomatic lubrication, will get Franco on your side anyway, for less cash and with a more productive objective to boot (capture of the UK).

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