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The Bazooka hit!!??

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I would like you to know that I appreciate your comments and imputs. As I lurk about you are consistantly the "answer guy". I know it must take a tremendous amount of time to do this. Please keep that info comming!!!



Fly hard, ride fast

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Guest Big Time Software

Here is a tidbit. It wasn't the one I was looking for (I think it is in "If you Survive"), but this is another one we know where hits were registered over the effective range:

"Cannon and Harrington went to the basement of No. 12, where they found

S/Sgt. Patrick H. Dennis and S/Sgt. Harold A. Hollands, both with rifles,

preparing to cover from the basement windows the bazookamen, then getting

set to fire through the roof. One of the two bazookas with old-type

firing mechanism failed to go off. From the other, the three men in the

attic launched five rounds in turn at the [self-Propelled Gun]. Only the

last hit, and it did no more than knock a fragment off the right side of

the turret. It did, however, cause the crew to jump out, and two were

shot by the four men in the basement."

(A map is included. The range of engagement is indicated as 185 yards.)

Taken from pages 205-6 of "Small Unit Actions", Historical Division, U.S.

War Department

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Thanks Tiger Tom.

It's for people like you that I come here and post.. Got some goodies coming up within the hour from the latest build.

As the man said "I think you'll be pleased" wink.gif



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Hey Schrodi,

Shut the bleep up.

I remind you of the terms you agreed to:

You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this BB to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violative of any law. You agree not to post any copyrighted material unless the copyright is owned by you, Big Time Software, or its agents.

You are insulting, harassing, abusive, and vulgar. Get lost.

Everyone has gone out of their way to be nice and politically correct with you...until now. Beat it loser.

Tired of idiots,


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Guest Big Time Software


This is a warning. Keep it clean and relevant to intelligent discussion or you will be barred from posting to this BBS. Your original point was a valid one, but was misunderstood by others (including myself). I have no idea why you are flying off the handle here, but it is unacceptable. There is absolutely NO need for it because nobody wanted to do anything but answer your question.

Abuse, intollerence, and general mud slinging is NOT allowed here. You agreed to this when you signed on to this BBS. There is *no* reason for you to be abusive in any case, but certainly not in this one. Please respect our desire to keep this place from being the flame fest that USENET is.


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Guest Big Time Software


Yeah, I recently saw a cool show where they got Kalishnikov and Stoner (M16 designer amung others) together for a bit of a post-cold war exchange. They really hit it off smile.gif They both had such high regard for each other's work. It was very interesting to see.

For years I always thought the AK-47 was a knock off, but as I started to get into small arms more I found out that they really have little in common. The modern HKs, now THERE is something that can directly trace its roots back to the MP44. Funny thing is that they cost about the same now a days smile.gif


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Well, at least Big Time Software sticks up for their (albeit pathetic) minions by deleting my post, which was not "over the top abusive". Anything I said regarding Fionn was true, or obviously poking fun at him for his intense ridiculousness. I can't believe that Big Time would stoop to fascist censorship just to

protect Fionn's egg shell ego. Incidentally, I did keep it clean, as I never ONCE used profanity. I'm sorry Fionn can't take honest criticism and has the intellectual honesty of a Commissar. What I said are judgments. Not abuse. They are founded on my interaction with him. It's insane to censor remarks that are

not vulgar or profane in any way. At least we know what side you are cheering for when simulating the war with the fascists.

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I got a book on Kalashnikovs for review and it is amazing the number of variants and entirely new designs which clearly trace their lineage to the Kalashnikov.

Modern small arms really aren't my thing but this book was just so fascinating and small I have to give it a good review wink.gif..

If anyone's interested in the title I'll post it.. it's only small so should be pretty cheap. It has a nice picture and description of each derivative but wouldn't be the "exhaustive last word" book on Kalashnikovs..

Very good for beginners and medium-level interested people though.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>At least we know what side you are cheering for when simulating the war with the fascists.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


Poor little Schrodi had his little Stugi killed by an Ami bazooka. Now his feelings are hurt because it was 150m away.....boohoo....boohoo. Du Bist ein kleiner mensch. Let's all cry for Schrodi. Kleiner, kleiner Schrodi.

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Guest Big Time Software


You are making an ass out of yourself. You are also going ballistic for NO REASON. Now you are trying to drag my name through the mud.

How much more clear can I make this? This BBS is owned, payed for, and run by us. You agreed when you signed on to behave like a decent human being. That should not be asking too much. If you do not calm down you will be banned. You are in clear violation of the BBS rules you read and agreed to when you signed up. In any democratic society, someone who can not live up to their responsibilities deserves to be punished. This is not Facisim, this is called civilized society.

So for the last time. DO NOT POST until you have dropped the abuse and attitude. You will not be warned again, and instead be the first person in the year long history of the BBS to be banned. Do you REALLY want to be known as the first guy to be banned out of the 15,000 posts already up here? Think about that instead of posting...


P.S. Your abusive nature is wasting my time. I was supposed to be making a new tank model, but instead I have to monitor this thread in case you come back again. Man...

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Guest KwazyDog

Maybe we saw the doco Steve, hehe, it was a while ago I saw it now so the facts are a little fuzzy. It was really interesting though, I must admit I was suprised too at some of the facts.

Off topic but I saw a doco a couple of weeks back on nukes, and about the larget ever detination (soviet). The shock wave traveled around the world 3 times from that sucker. The thing that really scared me though was that the Soviets had designed a nuke that was in the hull of a ship, some 100m odd long. The idea was that it would sail around the northern areas of the USSR, and if a detination was detected within their borders they would detinate it, with the goal of destroying the world with one blast. Even the Ruskies could see that shouldnt be built though thankfully.

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See, now Chris posted just to hurl an insult in a discussion he wasn't directly involved in. I guess he'll be censored as well...

BTW Chris in was just over 170m not 150m. And I'm really impressed with your German. I'll bet it was a real accomplishment learning it, what with your obvious intellectual limitations. Good for you.

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Hi again Big Time,

In the first place, I'm not dragging your mud through anything, because, you don't have a name, you are posting though your companies alias. Secondly you ARE censoring material that was in no way profane or vulgar. I didn't' swear once. So I take it you're position is that I'm not entitled to my opinion? Also I'm well aware who owns this BBS. I guess you figure private tyranny can't really be censorship? Interesting idea of free speech you have. I don't' believe I have in

any way broken the agreement of this BBS. My judgment of Fionn's actions are my own and you can agree with them or not. Censorship is the thin edge of the wedge to intolerance, NOT free speech.

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Guest Big Time Software

I am locking up this thread. Schrodi, hopefully you will calm down and behave better the next time you post. Nobody went after you until you went over the top. Please, just stop posting for a bit and simmer down, OK?

Your original post was a perfectly legit question and I still have no idea why you felt you needed to be abusive since NOBODY attacked you in any way shape or form. So I am still in shock as to why you felt you needed to go after Fionn like that. And for the record, I don't care who you went after, as that is not relevant.

Again, please don't be the first one to be banned. Close to 16,000 posts so far have not led to a single person being banned. There is no reason why we can't make it 160,000 if everybody would just live up to the BBS agreement.


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