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Sneak--a Misnomer?


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It seems to me that "Sneak", being the equivalent of "Hunt" for infantry as I understand from earlier posts, really is a misleading term. It is my feeling that one would think you could give "Sneak" and "Hide" orders to move someone into cover to target, but from my experience they will open fire at any soft enemy unit they see while moving and <u>then</u> hide. I've learned from experience that I should instead order "Crawl" and "Hide" to keep them both from firing and exposing themselves to enemy fire.

This is purely semantics, but I feel this command should be re-named "Advance" or even "Stalk" (to keep the "S" shortcut key) or something more symbolic of what it actually means. To me, "Sneak" means stay low and stay quiet while seeking a good position to whack the enemy. The actual movement order, however, means advance and engage.

Anyone else agree?


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Guest L Tankersley

Well, yes and no. I sort of felt the same way originally, but now I think of "Sneak" as "Sneak up on those guys and attack them."

Leland J. Tankersley

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Guest kip anderson


I feel "sneak" as used in CM would be better called "skirmish". When you give the command "sneak" what happens seems to be what this side of the pond, the UK, we would call "skirmishing".

All the best,



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