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Rockets and Half Track question

Guest phoenix

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Guest phoenix

Was wondering if the rocket artillery the Germans had (Nebelwerfer?) is in the game?

Secondly. While playing the demo I noticed that I could set the half track to "buttoned". ??? What does this do?

And finally, curses for relesing the demo! It's all I can think about when I'm not playing it!!

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I believe buttoning up open topped vehicles drops the crew behind the armor. So rather than having your gunner exposed to fire the MG42 (SPW) or .50cal (M18 Hellcat) they keep their heads down below what's available. Should reduce spotting dramatically as well, especially close topped vehicles. Actually not sure if open and closed topped are penalized equivalently. Open topped are still quite vulnerable to falling fire (ie. mortars and infantry with height advantage or grenades wink.gif) Hope that helps and that I didn't go overboard with the explanation.


PS Buttoning up also makes the AA MG on Shermans unavailable, but the late StuGIII's top MG mount is remotely controlled.

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Guest Big Time Software

Phoenix, both posters are correct. NW are very much in the game, however they are not mounted on HTs like in Close Combat. Reason is their minimum range is greater than is practical for CM's scale (and don't even get the Grognards started on it being wrong for CC's scale smile.gif)

Buttoning up simply gets exposed crew members to take cover. Even thought the SPW 251 has a nice little shield, it only offers protection from the front. The poor saps in the M18 are exposed from the waste up 360 degrees!


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And it looks like they'll make it into CC4 even though I kindly pointed out it is impossible to get horizontal fire using the rocket racks and elevation wheel ..

Ah well.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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