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Off Topic-Sorry (Fighting Steel)

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I ma really sorry if this topic is to far off course. I apologise in advance if this causes a disruption. In Fighting Steel are you allowed to launch aircraft, via: aircraft carriers? I wouldn't have asked but I went to the Fightin Steel website and looked. They also dont't have a chat room. (That what makes battlefront sooo neat!!)

i was just lookin', because of the long, long,long wait for CM.

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I will also say that the ship data in it is quite accurate. Certainly as accurate as the engine will allow and certainly more detailed than GNB.

It's a good game but there are no user-run campaigns, no land and no subs or aircraft carriers. Also, you need the latest drivers for your graphics card if it is to run without crashing all the time although I believe the latest patch was a big step forward with respect to the bugs.

Hope that helps.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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