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hand to hand fighting

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hi! I did a search for assaulting and didn't come up with anything. What I wanted to know is will there be a assault command to charge a enemy position and take it (simulated) man to man? or will the units just open up when they first see the enemy? Also, just one more question, is facing calculated for infantry as far as what they can see. ie./ can you sneak up on them from behind. sorry if these have been asked already. Thanks. looking forward to playing. My orders in.

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Guest Battlefront

Hi and thanks for the order!

Yes, units do behave differently when they are within "hand to hand" range. RoF goes up (uh, so does ammo consumption!), grenades are tossed (if possible), there is a general increase in lethality, and other modified values. Basically units don't hold back at all and let rip.

Units are very smart about what they shoot at and when. If something is out of effective range, the unit probably will not fire. If the target can't be reasonably harmed, it won't fire. If the unit has been ordered to do certain things the chance of firing will also be modified (Hide will keep firing down to close range only). Units will also switch targets if they fell it is best if they do so.

Units do have facing, not only for firing arcs but also spotting. You can sneak up on a unit (we even have a Sneak order smile.gif). Also, units can rotate on their own to face new threats, but this rotation time is based on the unit, its current state, and the terrain it is in.

Firing and spotting is also influenced by order type, speed, state (i.e. pinned), and unit type.


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