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Scaling question

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This has been discussed quite a bit but a few points I'm still not clear on.

I understand that we can change the size of the units, making units "bigger" to look at while keeping the actual unit its real size.

I seem to recall reading that we can also rescale the terrain - if so, which bits? I think "height" was one - what about buildings, trees, or roads? How does the change in scaling impact on gameplay and asethetics?

It seems to me there could be problems with oversized units in towns, or overcrowding by infantry bunched together, of tanks dwarfing the roads, for example.

Nobody who has played the game seems to have found any problems with this, so I suspect any problems are more in my fevered imagination than in the code. smile.gif

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Guest Big Time Software

The only thing you can "scale" on the fly are units. The terrain height thing is a fixed setting for the scenario. Generally this won't be needed, but some battles were fought with quite extreme height elevations, so we allow the designer to change the scale of each terrain elevation. You still have 9 heights per map, but each one is now 3m or 6m higher than the standard 3m. Visually a single height transition of 6m will graphically be twice as heigh as that of a 3m transition. The game system always averages height values as well, so LOS and all other modifiers work perfectly with such a change in scale.

You can also change the tree cover (visually only!) so that you can see units better or get a better frame rate. You can also toggle vehicle graphics on and off because every once and a while you need to get at an infantry unit that is "under" the graphic. You could also change the unit scaling to realistic and select the obscured infantry guy that way (we find turning vehicles off is easier).

In terms of large units graphics making things look crowded, it can happen. But mind you, it is pretty rare because *if* the units are so many in such close proximity, they are actually TOO close to each other in real life. A good commander would NEVER pack so many guys into such a small space. If you SHOULD have to do this, two hot key strokes will make the units realistic size and allow you to do what you need to do. Or, if they are from the same formation, you can use the +/- keys to go up and down the chain of command without having to click on specific units.

Personally, I have not found any problems with the units scaled to the default. Upon RARE occasion do I ever scale them up or down for any reason. Realistic scale is unusable from a game standpoint, other than to sort stuff out.


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Guest Lokesa

Reminds me of the stalingrad maps for the original squad leader, lots of russians stacked together in a very small area.

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Yeah, especially in the "Guards Counter Attack" scenario imagine how unnerving it would be to look at the building across the street and see 3 full platoons of Russians pointing ppsh-41's at you.



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