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Compter V Computer and AI

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I am not sure if this has been covered or not.

Is there going to be an option for the computer to play itself?

I also noticed that the AI reversed a tank out of combat instead of turning and running

exposing its rear (as in some other games, does this also apply to troop movement. Do they use available cover when moving, like a ridge line or fence rather than just jumping up in the open?

BTW Great looking game... I am having to wipe the drool off my chin.


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Guest Big Time Software

Here's a virtual hanky to help you with that chin problem. Me, I have a beard to catch all that stuff smile.gif

Yes, we think we will have an AI vs AI option. Not a sure thing, but it is on The List.

Troops use similar tactics to get out of the way, but of course walking backwards doesn't really work smile.gif Yes, the units use available cover and LOS blocking stuff as their primary goal. I have seen plenty of vehicles cleanly back up and around a corner of a building or stand of tress, as well as troops running from a burning HT into the woods on the right side instead of an open field on the left. It all works so very nicely wink.gif


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I'm a big fan of comp. vs comp. as well. I've always like testing a scenario with a computer only engagement. While most games haven't had adequate AI to make this very viable, you're tac AI already shows great promise. It might be another useful tool in scenario design. Not to mention I enjoy seeing how the comp tackles a scenario I just played.

This is not a critical feature, I've already pre-ordered in fact, but it might be a nice addition. I'd rather have the game out sooner and see this as a later addition than delaying it from my grubby little hands. smile.gif

Justin Hoerter

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I Second your motion, Boris. It would be like the Bn. commander first leaving his troops to do their job, but jumping in and straightening out problems as they arise.

Gee it is getting late here to be sending in additional ideas. Two of them just scrapped 30 scenario designs. That sounds expensive, and I was one who wanted brush too.

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