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How Many Different Helmets?

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Ok here goes.

Using helmets as an example.

Eggers helmet mod brz file when exploded held 16 bmp and 16 normal map images

I looked the mdr. file (hex editor) and it does not reference a specific named or numbered bmp file like some flavor objects mdr files (yeah I know a helmet isn't a flavor object-but the files act pretty much the same on what they reference for a graphic-sometimes.)-so it's a random dice roll what is assigned.

To find out I would just do 20 bmp files and 20 normal map files (keep the naming and numbering like eggers and add 4 bmp and normal maps till you get 20 of each helmets. Or simplier-take eggers mod copy 4 of his helmets and number them #17, #18, #19 and #20-then repack your experiment mod

To number Open up a paint program and with it's text editor give each helmet a number. Or just color them with a wild color Doesn't have to be pretty-your looking for a ceiling number on assignment.

Pack it in a brz file.

Load it in a scenario.

Now look at the numbers on the helmet. Or the wild color of the 20th helmet.

I'm guessing but the helmet mdr "dice roll' will assign 'x' number of helmets-more then others.

Now why the numbers (or colors)-say you got 40+ soldiers on the map-you might get a bunch of #2 helmets # 11 and #12 helmets and a #18 helmet. If you see a #20 helmet you know it goes up to a quantity of 20 helmets. May have to load a scenario several times to verify. If you don't get a #20 helmet on the first 'dice roll'.

Only way your going to find out is to test.

You want to do more then 20 then go ahead. I don't know the ceiling number on 'decals' and I wouldn't venture a guess.

Now comes the tricky part-if you save the new scenario-does it keep the same helmets or randomly gives NEW helmets every time.

I only ran into this problems with shed flavor objects whose mdr file didn't reference a specific graphic file by name ( I wanted 3 shed-not the stock 1 [ 2 colored as were guard shacks]-it can be tricky. May not matter since nobody notices helmets unless they have different camo and have to match something.

Good luck.

250 helmets or 250 of anything-do you really need that many.:confused:

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250 helmets or 250 of anything-do you really need that many.:confused:

No, but I have no problem packing my Z folder with 30 different German helmets.

Since I have the mac version I don't have the rez- utility programs, unfortunately.

Mainly I was wondering if there was a simple answer, but I'll go ahead and test it with helmets and see if I can find a limit.

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