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CMBN Mapping in CMFI

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Would it be possible to make --VERY --- basic maps using the upgraded tools in FI and use them as bases for BN maps. I'm thinking of just the outlines of things -- elevations, roads, maybe walls.

I don't have BN installed, and would like to see if anyone has tried the above before I re-install...

Thanks in advance!


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It is possible to load some CMFI scenario files into the CMBN editor. I don't know where exactly the cutoff is, full scenarios with all parameters set will not load, but some test maps and templates will load, but won't show up in the editor or will mess up the editor. I was thinking "F*** me, this will end up breaking my CM" and I didn't have the brass balls to actually try running those scenarios. (I don't seriously think it will do much harm but I won't encourage people to fiddle around breaking games and ruining licenses :D)

But I wouldn't advise it. I'd say if you try it you will run a extremely significant risk of ending up with a corrupted scenario file by the end of the day.

If you must, rather do the basic terrain in CMFI editor, then screenshot it extensively and use that as a visual aid in CMBN. Even this would require two monitors or quite good visual memory. And it wouldn't really help all that much.

All this seems like such a fuss when CMBN 2.0 will probably come out soonish.

EDIT: The more times I tried it the more I'm convinced it will never work. As I was expecting. :D

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Had to Google that up, no, I'm not much of a baseball fan. :D

Got this name from this forum. It was supposed to evoke visions of a horrible tentacle monster from deep space.

It was much later that I found out Zebulon wasn't just something that sounded like sci-fi.

Sigh. :(

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