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CMPC Normandy 44 H2H Operation Axis DAR

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The following is a new DAR for the PBEM operation i am playing with a CM opponent of mine called Kuderian, we had to re start the original operation because of some major rule changes.

We are playing a scenario called #17-Buron-1 from the game Normandy '44, one of the titles from John Tiller's Panzer Campaign's series, Kuderian will be playing the Allies.

Because all the combat values of the Panzer Campaigns units have been reduced to zero, all combat will be resolved using Combat Mission Battle for Normandy.


On the 7th of July 1944 at 8:00am, elements of the 3rd Canadian Indantry Division, with armour support from the Sherbrooke Fusiliers, and artillery support from the 12th and 14th Canadian Field Regiment, move towards the city of Caen, their objective is to capture the villages of Camilly, Buron, Authie, Carpiquet and Ardenne Abbey.

Facing them are elements of the 12th SS Panzer Division, 25th SS Panzer Grenadier Regiment, and 736th Grenadier Infantry Division.

The Canadian forces are all volunteers with no combat experience, and therefore are classed as Green with High motivation.

The 12th SS PzDiv and 25th SS Pz Gd Reg are made up almost entirely of Hitler Youth with no combat experience, therefore are classed as Green with Fanatical motivation.

The 736th GrD Inf Reg are comprised of old men, boys and foreign troops, they have no combat experience, and therefore are classed as Green with Low motivation.


The images below show the operational map, terrain elevations, victory point locations, terrain types, and the positions and OOB's of the Axis forces.






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The images below show the deployment and OOB of the Allied forces after their Turn 1 movement phase.



The Allied CO has declared no assaults for Turn 1.

The images below show the deployment and OOB of the Axis forces after their Turn 1 movement phase.

In Panzer Campaigns, any unit can dig in, however in this version, i am only allowing foot units and gun crews to dig in, therefore all the foot units and gun crews that have not moved this turn have been ordered to dig in.



I am declaring no assaults for Turn 1.

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Following with great interest. Im contemplating getting CMPC N 44 to be able to get the operational level to CM.

If you know other people that would be interested in purchasing Normandy '44, or you want to buy the Panzer Campaigns titles for all the upcoming CM modules, HPS are offering a 40% discount on bulk purchases of five titles, whether they are five different titles or 5 the same, send an email to support to confirm this if you decide to buy that many.

The PzC titles can be bought as a download only (cheaper) or a download and a disk.

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Thanks noob! I will check that out. Another turn on the way?

The next turn will show the Allied deployment after their Turn 2 movement phase, and there are going to be two CM battles, one will be a monster, the other a comedy :)

After some thought, i have decided that i will be fighting all Axis CM battles in this operation as i am at the PC 24/7, so that will reduce the time this project will take.

However i intend to create a CMPC Sicily 43 operation similar to this, with me as the umpire and the BF forum members giving me operational orders and playing the CM battles, as i won't have the time to play two operations as a player.

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The images below show the deployment and OOB of the Allied forces after their Turn 2 movement phase.



The images below show the Axis forces available to fight the CM battles that will be created because of the assaults initiated against the villages of Buron and Camilly, and the CM maps of those locations.


Buron (the map was created by Pete Wernam, with some minor modifcations)


Camilly (this map is a section taken from the map for Colossal Crack with minor modifications)


The two maps show the view from the Axis side.

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I just thought i would comment on the operational situation after the Allied Movement / Assault Phase Turn 2.

My opponent Kuderian is moving units against the 736th GD Regiment protecting the VL at Bretteville, this is excellent, as the only possible role these units could play, given their low quality and motivation, would be to draw Allied units away from the cluster of VL's in the Buron, Carpiquet, Abbey triangle.

If i had been the Allies, i would of bypassed Bretteville, leaving a screen to cover my right flank, and concentrated all but the screening forces to the Buron sector, so every company of Allied infantry that engages any unit from the 736th GD Reg is a victory for me, irrespective of the outcomes of any CM battles they fight, especially in the case of Camilly, there i have an understrength platoon and three guns occupying five infantry companies and a mortar and gun section for one operational turn, in fact there are nine Allied companies, and two mortar and gun sections in the area around Brettville, Bray and Camilly, which is awesome from an operational point of view, given that at least two thirds of those forces could be supporting the attack on the Buron sector.

So i am happy with the operational situation as it stands, as 2 of the 8 Allied movement turns have been completed for the loss of no VL's.

If i can give my opponent a good going over in Buron, that will be the cherry on the cake, and also, when i get to move after the current CM battles are finished, i plan to attack the enemy battle group 11 situated south of Cambes, i can move one KG to Cambes to attack from the rear, and two KG's to the hexes shown to attack from the front.

The total attacking Axis forces will be 5 SS PzGD companies, 30 PzIV's, and whatever artillery i do not use during the Buron battle, versus about 24 Shermans, and 2 companies of infantry, and whatever artillery my opponent does not use at Buron.

In this operation, IMO, artillery is best used on the attack, as only the attacker can use pre planned strikes, which means the accuracy and location can be guaranteed, so i intend to unleash the full force of my 24 Nebelwerfers before i assault :)


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Great that you analyse whats going on! Im not that strong on the operational side so its really nice with some commentary.

I didn't think it was worth analysing until now, because as the defender, i planned to react to my opponents moves until an opportunity for a counter attack appeared, which it has :)

Looking forward to 24 nebels going to work ;)

Hehe, too true :)

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After a reply by Jon S about the OOB's, Areas of Operations and force mixing of the Canadian forces in this operation, added to my own researches that have shown some inaccuracies in the Tiller OOB's, plus some liberties i took with the organisation of some units, Kuderian and i have decided that the operation is more fantasy than historical, therefore we are going to restart the operation as soon as i have finished some more research and OOB and rule modifications.

Although this second restart will be irritating to anyone following this project, i think an attempt to recreate as closely as possible the historical limitations the forces were subject too will greatly enhance the overall game, and therefore make it more interesting to any spectators.

The suggestions Jon S made that led me to this decision are as follows:

* Units of a bn can only stack with units of their own bde or regt.

* all units of a bn have to be in adjacent hexes, and cannot be 'interleaved' with units of a different bn.

* armd regts of an indep armd bde can only work with one inf bde at a time. By which I mean, A, B, and C Sqns of each Armd Regt all have to be working with units of the same bde. At a higher level, the Armd Bde has to be working to a division (rather than having a couple of regts working with one div, adn the other one off somewhere else)

* Commanders should have to set Areas of Operation for each Division and Bde during one of the night turns for the following day. Units are not allowed to move out of their AO (This, alone, would probably have a massive impact)

* have some max stacking limit (which PzC has, although I think the default level of 1200? is much too high)

* the Germans have to allocate their artillery to support a particular Regt each day, for the whole day, while the British - with their much better systems - can chop and change during the day.

* the British have to allocate their indep armour to support a particular bn each day, for the whole day, while the Germans - with their KG doctrine - can chop and change during the day.

One major error on my part was to split the Allied armour squadrons into separate troops, giving them a flexibility they did not have in reality.

Th Tiller errors were in the numbers of men given per company, which in an attempt to conform to their figures forced me to remove certain elements of the Support company that comes with a battalion, i.e. the bren carrier scout sections and a pioneer platoon.

For the Axis companies i removed the IG teams in the support company.

Once i am satisfied i have done as much as possible to attain a level of historical accuracy this operation will restart.

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