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Sparsely scattered sono-bouys.

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One thing I always found irritating is how several games show Victory Locations (VL) in a 'God'-manner. My point is that if none of my troops can see the (still) neutral VL on the other side of the hill, then I, as their commander, should not know when(if) the enemy takes that position. If I get that information, i.e. the neutral flag changes color to enemy flag, then the VL's will work like sparsely scattered sono-bouys all over the map. I hope CM will only show the status of the VL's the troops can actually see. Maybe shade the the others in the last know color, if you move out of sight.

How will CM take care of this?


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Guest Big Time Software

We hate this problem too. We also hate the Hansel and Gretel flag problem. So we have decided that there will be FEW flags allowed on a map (variable by map size of course!). These will simulate what you are supposed to HOLD. So if you aren't sitting on it, you don't own it. If someone else is sitting on it you will either know through direct contact or remain totally unaware.


[This message has been edited by Big Time Software (edited 03-02-99).]

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Guest Big Time Software

Don't know your Brothers Grimm? smile.gif I came up with this TOTALLY ORIGINAL statement to stand for the littering of victory locations in order to practically FORCE each side to fight in a certain way. Like PacMan, but with armored formations :)


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Guest John Maragoudakis

Oh you don't want to make it too obviouse by putting candy all over the house. I guess you prefer the Goldilocks approach. Let them enter an 'empty' house with three bowls sitting on the table. Let her decide which is too hot or just right. I guess which bowl is just right depends on which Goldilocks entered the house. smile.gif

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Like PacMan, but with armored formations :)

Is this going to be the advertising slogan for CM ? I mean, I know you guys are programmers etc and not marketing dudes but ahem you MAY just attract the wrong market with that you know ? ;)

OTOH it just sounds SO much like the crap companies are coming out with nowadays I think some exec is going to read the board and unveil his "new" game idea some weeks from now..

"It'll be cool. it's real time and strategic too. Kind of like pacman with tanks ;) ".

Securing from rant about the industry mode NOW ! ;)

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