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When I go through the initial settings screens before starting a new game, I saw a screen that takes you to all of scripts. I thought that if I unchecked a box for a given script, say like the Indian units to France scripts, that those scripts were disabled. Is that the case? I ask becasue when I did ubcheck those boxes, lo and behold at the end of a turn, up popped a message that Indian units had deployed to France. Since the Agincort was historically sunk by a mine, I also unchecked that box, yet received a message that it joined the British fleet. What am I missing here?

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When I go through the initial settings screens before starting a new game, I saw a screen that takes you to all of scripts. I thought that if I unchecked a box for a given script, say like the Indian units to France scripts, that those scripts were disabled. Is that the case? I ask becasue when I did ubcheck those boxes, lo and behold at the end of a turn, up popped a message that Indian units had deployed to France. Since the Agincort was historically sunk by a mine, I also unchecked that box, yet received a message that it joined the British fleet. What am I missing here?

Did you go back into the dialog box to make sure they were disabled? Another possibility is that there are multiple scripts controlling that event and you only disabled one of them.

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