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Well guys I'm sorry if I offended any of you. I was pleased when I stumbled across your BattleFront.com link at another web site,well I had to check it out because I'm into combat games & combat mission is one that I will certainly check-out. I will give the game a chance.

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Well, nice second post Parker.

Remember, no-one likes to see someone compare games which are totally different, especially when you can guess most people on this board think CM is a lot better than H&D or any other such game.

Glad to have you aboard and I hope you like CM.. Check the forum and past messages. There's lots of great stuff in the archives.


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Guest Big Time Software

All I have to say is that you are not the first to "stumble" upon us and get off on the wrong foot. Others have done it, and more will do it in the future. But it takes a truly decent individual to come back a second time with a degree of humility. I tip my hat to you.

But I like to think that everybody has a good 2 or 3 more chances with us smile.gif Thanks for coming back and taking the time to post a reasoned response. We look forward to your contribution here, including asking us hard questions.

On a personal note, a long time ago, after spending several days on USENET arguing with people who could barely string two words together without one being an insult, I went to a private BBS and tore into someone for no good reason. My actions were tame by USENET standards, but were so out of place to the polite little discussion group I had posted to. Ever since then I realized what conditioning can do do someone smile.gif Hence why I stay away from USENET in a big way.


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The conditioning thing happened to me also. Got into many fights on a previous BBS, but have not been on any BBS for a long time before I came to this forum. This is such a polite forum that it's extremely easy not to get into a flame war here. Several times we've had philosophical discussions that looked ripe for a flame war to erupt but everybody expressed their viewpoints strongly without taking it to the personal level. Exactly the kind of civil self-expression that the Internet and forums like this are supposed to foster.

Lt. Parker,

Ditto, what Steve said. I wanted to say something too, but Steve and Fionn have said it better than I could.

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Lt. Parker,

Or, should I say Mr. Parker? :) Hope you didn't take most of what I said w/ too much seriousness. For the most part I was just poking fun at you. It wasn't easy to resist when you made such a wonderful target of yourself in your very first post no less! smile.gif Obviously, though, I mistook most of what you said, so no hard feelings I hope.

In any event, as the others have said, welcome aboard. Hope you enjoy this forum as much as I have.


Mike D

aka Mikester

BTW, are you really a lieutenant? If so, what service? Just curious.

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