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Leadership Question

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I am curious how leadership bonuses work? I am assuming that platoon leaders provide bonuses to all their units w/i command control. But how does the company commander work? Does his leadership bonuses contribute in addition to the platoon commanders bonuses? If he does, how do you know w/o company commmander command lines supplementing the platoon commanders command lines, who he is influencing? I am also curious what a +1 or +2 means in terms of improving performance?



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Guest Big Time Software

A subordinate only gains the benefits of leader bonuses when it's "in command". (You'll see a brown, not black, line connecting to its HQ, and a little radio icon in the info panel).

The length of the "command radius" depends on the HQ's command skill rating and whether the unit has a clear LOS to the HQ. Ranges are roughly between 20m and 80m, depending. (Sorry I can't remember the details, we'll put it all in the manual).

A unit may only be "led" by one HQ at a time and its platoon HQ takes precedence. So a company commander is useful for filling in if a platoon HQ gets killed, or for support weapons, stragglers, etc. Company commanders often have better command skills than platoon leaders (longer command radius) but lesser combat skills (firing and concealment bonuses). The +1 and +2 are simply indicators of above-average skill in leadership, morale, combat/firing, and concealment. +1 means "good", +2 means "excellent". Anything not specifically mentioned means "normal".


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Thanks for the info. Now I won't be to inclined to use the leader with ? Gold Boxed as a assault element smile.gif


"Battles are won by slaughter and maneuver. The greater the general, the more he contributes in maneuver, the less he demands in slaughter."

Sir Winston Churchill

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