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I re-read my article again, and I wish I had made the point clearer. It sounds like I'm just saying "wargamers want prettier games" - what I should have stated more accurately is "wargamers want better graphics WHERE IT CAN IMPROVE THE GAME, and this is now including 3d (such as in CM)."

I guess I just get sick of the "grognards" lowest-common-denominator expectations reinforcing the release of games that could look better. Let's accept the advancement of the hobby, jump on the bandwagon of better machines, and support developers that produce cutting edge games *even if they do look good*. I guess I've just heard so many wargamers' opinions sound too much like computer-gaming Luddites ("If it's pretty, then it CAN'T be a REAL wargame.")

IMO CM puts the lie to that. My $.02




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Hi Steve,

Good article BTW I am preparing a more detailed response but simply haven't had the time to fully digest it and reply..

Check out some of the recent threads here (past 4 days or so) and you can find a person called Oscar who is exactly the type of person you are talking about...

It's interesting to see him go on about HPS games and rubbish CM without even seeing it wink.gif.

Oh BTW I posted an article on 3d vs 2d (with special reference to CM obviously) on the forum (WIsh I hadn't done it now though... http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/000963.html That's the URL to it.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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