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EOS Artificial Intelligence


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Has been pushed to an open source project using Mercurial source control: http://code.google.com/p/eosai/

The AI has been split off into a separate dll. The code is there for educational purposes (if you want to see how an AI works), for the possibility of having a modifiable version of the AI for EOS, and for potential use in third-party games.

Splitting the code out of the executable caused some things to break, so it's not fully functional right now. The current version of EOS.exe does not use the dll, which means you can't currently modify the AI and get it working inside your EOS game.

You should be able to download the code, but not be able to upload changes to the repository. If you can upload changes, let me know. If the code won't compile, it means I missed something. Again, let me know.

And let me know if there's much interest in this and I'll devote more attention to it (including getting it working with EOS).

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I am interested in following along with this, although to be honest I doubt I would get into editing the code and compiling .dll files to use. But still, it's interesting to see what's under the hood and perhaps better understand what parameters are being used.

Could you maybe provide a 'mid-level' summary of EOSAI getting into which algorithms (in which files) do what? At first look, things are not very intuitive. But I'll keep looking and trying to make sense of it!

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I am interested in following along with this, although to be honest I doubt I would get into editing the code and compiling .dll files to use. But still, it's interesting to see what's under the hood and perhaps better understand what parameters are being used.

Could you maybe provide a 'mid-level' summary of EOSAI getting into which algorithms (in which files) do what? At first look, things are not very intuitive. But I'll keep looking and trying to make sense of it!

BTW, there's a certain amount of documentation in the google.code wiki, but it's not down to the individual file level or a mid-level summary of the AI.


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